I won't Believe your Lies.

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It was now Saturday. Mum left me food outside my door since I refused to let her come in to my room, but I refused to eat it. I'd rather starve than take anything she gives me. But when she realized I wasn't eating, she felt the need to come into my room. Once the door was already somewhat open, she knocked.

"Knock Knock.." Her voice was quiet. "Mind if I come in..?" I didn't have a choice since she was already in my room, so I choose to say nothing. She comes in with a plate of biscuits and some chocolate milk. She walks up to my bed, setting the plate on my bedside table. I don't look at her.
Mum sits on my bed, looking down at her lap. "... Henry please... Can we talk..?" I again say nothing. She still talks though. "... I'm very sorry for taking you out of that school... But you have to understand that Peter-" I stopped her when she mentioned Peter.

"I don't care about Peter. I know why you chose to do what he wanted. He's the favourite. He's the perfect little golden boy. And I'm just like the first pancake.. a throw away.." I say. Mum frowns. "It's always 'Oh how lovely, Peter!', 'That's wonderful, Peter!', and 'Stop being horrid, Henry!', 'Be more like your brother, Henry!' It's not fair." I cross my arms and bring my knees up to my chest.

"Henry, we don't have favourites. And you're not a throw away. I'm sorry you ever felt that way, but you're being a little selfish." Mum says, as if that would make me feel better.

"I'm selfish?! Me?! What about Peter?! He's the selfish one! If it weren't for him I would still be in that school! But nothing he does is bad in your eyes, it's all my fault, I'm the bad guy!" I cross my arms and turn away from her.
Mum puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Henry..-" I shove her hand off me.

"Just... Leave me alone..."

Mum sighs. "No. I'm not leaving."

"I SAID PISS OFF!" I shout at her. Mum's jaw drops in shock. She gets up and walks out of my room, closing the door behind her. I lay down on my side, looking at the wall. I wasn't happy, not at all. This wasn't fair. Peter always got what he wanted, I thought this would be something my parents would support me on. I guess I was wrong.

I thought about what Margaret had offered me. It was the best choice I had. I picked up a biscuit from the plate of biscuits. Mum had brought up and threw it at Moody Margaret's treehouse.

It got her attention.

"What do you want, Bogey-Brain?" She asked.

"What was your idea?" I said. A smug look goes on to Margret's face.

"Run away." She tells me. I rose an eyebrow at her.

"Run away? How is that meant to do anything? Where am I even meant to go?" Margret thought about it for a while.

"I suppose you can stay in my treehouse. But not for too long. Only until you find somewhere else to stay." I nod at her plan.

"Alright. Fine. Tomorrow, I'll be there."

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