Cold Feet.

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Another day went by, and now it was Monday. I saw Peter skipping out of the house to go to school from the window of Margaret's treehouse. It felt weird not having anyone nag at me to get ready for school.
As I looked out the window, Margaret came in to the tree house. She had been bringing me food so I wouldn't starve. "Well, I'm heading to school. Enjoy your day off, Bogey-brain." Margaret said simply. She starts walking to the door, but before she does, she tells me something. "Oh, and by the way, you have to leave by tonight." She looks at me with a smug look. I look at her with complete shock. "What?! That's not fair! Where am I meant to go?" Margaret shrugs. "Doesn't matter. I'm doing this to help you. Peter saw you coming here yesterday. If you stay here, it'll be too risky, besides, I can't have anyone over if you're here. So, better start packing." With that, she leaves. I groan and look up at the ceiling. I didn't have much time. I would have to leave while no one was home so I wouldn't get caught. But where would I go??

I spent about half an hour still in the tree house before I decide that it was time for me to leave. I get all my things together and quickly sneak away. I walk as far as I could.
I walk for hours, not knowing where I'm even going. The sun sets and I find myself completely lost. I seemed to be at some park.  I sat on a bench, looking up at the night sky. It was quite cold so I reached into my bag for a jacket. I put it on and lay down on the bench. It was cold, and definitely uncomfortable. But I'd live. It was only for tonight, right? And it's not like it could get worse, right?
Very very wrong. It wasn't long before it started to rain. I groan, curling in on myself. Maybe it wasn't the best idea for my to run away. Maybe I should have just stayed home and done as Mum and Dad said. I used my bag as some sort of a blanket but it didn't help much. The tears began to fall, oh how I regret listening to Moody Margaret...

I didn't get much sleep that night, and in the morning it was still lashing rain. I had nowhere to go. I had no other choice. I was going to have to go back home.

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