
Stefan and Rose had no idea how it happened but one moment they talked after arriving at her house and the next they explored each other's bodies. "Stupid hormones. I'm supposed to be mad at you, not having sex with you" Rose says after they finished.

"You can go back to being mad at me tomorrow" Stefan whispers in her ears pulling her close to him,

"That's exhausting, I'm tired of being mad at you" She replies playing with his fingers as he rests his other free hand on her stomach,

"Then don't be, plus with our child on the way we're going to have to be at least civil with each other" Before she could reply his phone rung,

"What, you really think I want to hear from you right now?" He asks after seeing it was Enzo who called his phone.

"Aw. Is someone having a bad night?" Stefan and Rose were equally surprised to hear Caroline's voice on Enzo's phone.

"What are you doing with Enzo's phone?" 

Caroline is alone in the coffee house, she sits up on the bar top. "I stole it, but that's not the question you should be asking now. You should be asking "why does Enzo have Sarah Salvatore's number on his phone," or maybe "where is Sarah Salvatore," and ultimately, "what the hell are you going to do to her, Caroline?" Stefan got and started to dress as Rose did the same,

The door to the coffee house opens, and Sarah Salvatore walks in. "Hello? Enzo?" Sarah calls out.

"Over here, Luv," Caroline calls faking a British accent

"Oh. Um, actually, I'm looking for..." Sarah trail offs 

"Enzo. Yeah. I heard you. He's not here right now, but I am." Caroline informs her

"Caroline, what the hell are you doing with Sarah?" Stefan asks helping Rose into the car as she calls Hunter. 

"There! An appropriate question. Thank you for asking. As a matter of fact, I'm going to kill her."  Caroline hangs up, dropping the phone onto the bar.


At the bar, Caroline is making margaritas in the blender as Stefan and Elena arrive quickly in search of Sarah

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At the bar, Caroline is making margaritas in the blender as Stefan and Elena arrive quickly in search of Sarah. "Hey! I'm making margaritas. Do you want one?" Caroline asks them 

"Where's Sarah?" Elena asks her 

"I see Stefan filled you in on his big secret," Caroline tells her not answering her question 

"Where is she, Caroline?" Stefan asks wanting to find his niece,

"Not here. That would be stupid." She says as she preps the glasses with salt "She's with Liam. Say hi!" She says looking over to Enzo's phone which is on speaker with Sarah's name flashing in,

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