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y/n pov

It has been a few days, and Namjoon and I have been texting back and forth on Skype. I decided to get the app on my phone and not just have it on my laptop so I was able to text him. Today was the day I was supposed to meet him so I decided to get up early so I could make sure I don't look terrible. I mean I still love myself even though I look like a burnt chicken nugget.

(if you got that reference I love you)

He still hasn't told me where or when we were going to meet up but as soon as I got out of my shower and picked out my clothes I heard a ding from my phone. I quickly get changed into some ripped baggy jeans and a black and red ripped-up sweater with a black undershirt underneath. Is this sweater kinda like the one JK wears in War of Hormone.... yea but that is not the point. I also put on my red converse and laugh to myself and look to see who the text was from. Yes! Just the person I needed to hear from.

Mr. President 💜

Hey! Here is the address, just come in through the big doors on the left side. See you in an hour y/n! :address:

read at (9:29 am)

AN HOUR?! God damn good thing I woke up early, this man is crazy but good thing the address does not seem to be too far from my apartment. I pack my spiderman backpack quickly and walk about the door. I look at the tall buildings as I walk in the direction of the address. I live on the outskirts of Seoul near the entertainment companies. I know that the BigHit and Hybe buildings are near but I never have gone out of my way to look for them.

Around 20 minutes later I find the building and try to find the door on the left side, but there seems to be a guy standing there like he is a guard, weird. I go up to him and try to grab the handle before he grabs my wrist. "Ma'am you are not allowed here I advise you to go." I look up at him confused, "I'm sorry I was told to meet someone here," and try to grab for the door again, and before I can he grabs my wrist again pulling it away. "Ma'am I said go, if you don't I will call security on you."

I turn to walk away but before I do I hear a familiar voice behind me "Han she's with me let her in" Wait... Namjoon? I turn around to see a tall man with a bucket hat, mask, and a long trench coat. Before I can turn around he grabs my arm and pulls me in and walks with my wrist in his hand. I look around trying to figure out where we are, and then I see big letters on the wall 'HYBE'. No wonder there was security it all makes sense now.  We reach the elevators and he sighs as he scans his keycard and takes off his hat and mask. "I am so sorry about that, I forgot that door has more security than it used to." I nod as I speak up "Hey I understand, well now I do, now that I know where we are." 

He laughs as the door opens and he leads me to a room with a Rkive sign. His studio, wait holy shit this is his studio! He opens the door before we both go inside and we let go of a breath like we were holding it, and laugh after hearing us both let out a sigh at the same time. He signals me to sit on the couch as he sits at his desk and turns to face me. 

"Um, hi! how are you doing" he says giving a shy smile. "I'm doing good! and you?" I say as I look around amazed. I can see all his different figures and his setup as well. This is all crazy and I am in a bit of a daze, I hear a laugh that takes me out of the said daze. "I'm so sorry this is just all crazy, I was not expecting this"

Word Count: 745

HELLO, AUTHOR HERE! Sorry, I have not posted in forever but I promise I will try to post every day now! MUCH LOVE

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