15: Trail

10 1 0

18 minutes earlier

Lance leans up and wipes his eyes. He looks around and smells something good.

Lance: Mmm, my stomach is telling me to go this way.

He gets up and stops when he hears voices.

???: . . . He's just a child.

???1: That child that has been tainted. His whole group could be as well, and they can taint this whole sanctuary if we don't deal with them.

???: I know, but I can do it to a child. A kid, you know I-

???1: I know I know, don't worry. I'm not asking you to do anything, I just wanted to know your two sense. We will handle this, your wife will be safe.

???: Thank you Father.

Lance Thinking: What the hell? That's not a normal conversation. That guy is the priest, and that other guy I heard about. What the hell is going on here!!!

Six years ago

Lance: Come on, that was mine and you know it! Bruce you better give it back!

Bruce: Geez bro, aren't you a little too old for whining like a baby? A fifteen year old wuss, just get out of here.

Lance restricted, a 15 year old born into a hunting family up in Montana. The Restricted Family lived wealthy lives, selling the meat, skin, and anything to get a buck off. Most of the family lived in the house, even the wives and husbands of the children.

Lance was tall and lengthy, but his specialty was his sneakiness. When he turned 16, he left his family's house and went on his own.

Being a kid with no money, he lived in the forest down in Missouri. He ate the food he hunted and made a hut for himself. He would go into the cities for the some stuff but most things he got from the forest.

When he was 19, he moves his way into Illinois near Springfield. He walked all around the state till he ran into the wrong people.


For once, Lance had enough money for a dinner in a stack house. No matter how many times he cooked, the meat never tasted as it used to. He decided to treat himself to a fancy dinner.

While he was going there, he was attacked on the streets. Beaten and robbed. All the money he had was taken and so was anything worth any value.

After the attack, Lance was forced to stay in the lower city of Chicago. With no materials for hunting, he couldn't live in the forest. This lead him to stealing in the city, from the people, and the gangs.




The knife hit the floor, as it does, the rain stops in place. The bullet went straight through Thirteen's hand.

Lance: Looked like you needed some help. Thank God I'm here Huh.

Jason turned to looks at Lance holding his gun, which was smoking.

Jason: Lance? What, are you doing here?

Lance: That doesn't matter, but I know everything. This guy is Thirteen right?

Jason: Yeah it is.

The boy gets up and swat's his hand, hitting the frozen in time water droplets. Get grabs Thirteen's hand and wraps it.

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