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George's pov:

"THAT WAS AWSOME!! Guys I'm not sure about you but the crowd seemed so hyped"

Karl rolled his eyes and smiled, "You guys were amazing, I didn't even know what to do while singing"
Sapnap walked past me and grabbed Karl's hands in his, looking to him
"Karl, you did wonderful"
Karl's face grew red, we sat there not knowing what to do until a very Tall person walked up behind Karl, "agreed man" he spoke while patting Karl's shoulder which made sapnap blush and look away, instantly dropping Karl's hands. I was confused on how the guy got back here but it seemed that he Knew Karl maybe..?

"Hey mate! I'm a big fan, do you mind if I get an autograph?"
I looked, oh sick ! He's British also
"Yeah, sure let me find a pen" he smiled and thanked me, that's so cool, I wonder how he knows Karl?
Karl turned to the guy, "Hey Tommy! Wanna stream later?"
Tommy looked ecstatic
"Would I?! I'd love to!" The tommy guy scratched the back of his neck, "Do you think the band could all come, maybe..ya know if that's okay"
Karl laughed, "I'm sure they won't mind, right guys? It's not like you have super fun things to do" Karl joked and wow, I'm gonna remember that one surely, but he's got a point, his joking manors spot on. I looked to them, Quackity gave a thumbs up, he was on his phone- Dream, Sap and I all said yes too.
And Tommy looked super happy
"Oh Karl, I wanted to ask, I seen an edit of you on Nikis stream, do you do that too?"
Karl shook his head, "nope, only when I'm with Niki or Rihana, I got on Jacks stream sometimes if he's ever here and I haven't seen Tommy in awhile so it will be a first there, but- wait- where's Jack and Niki?"
Tommy shrugged and Karl sighed The taller perked up "Ohh yeah, they went to go and get some food, they were hungry"
Karl nodded
Quackity shouted which made us all jump
Tommy laughed and questioned him "yeah?"
Q looked flabbergasted "you have 5 million on twitch that's insane!"
Tommy scuffed, "thanks man but you guys are wayyy more famous than me, I'm just shocked that you're surprised by that"
We all laughed and then went back to Nikis house, where Jack and Tommy was staying for there time here.
I knew the Niki girl was nice and stuff but her house just sorta shows her personality in a way, it seems sweet and cozy Niki spoke up while leading us all to a room
"Rihana's not here tonight and we have spare rooms, Tommy you can use my set up if you want to stream" Tommy nodded

Sapnaps pov: "sooo how does this stuff work? We just sit in front of a camera? Like an interview?"
Karl rolled his eyes smiling, "no nimrod, there are people watching who say things, typically ask questions, we do this for entertainment" ohhhhh-
"Got it! What should I name the title?"
Dream wheezed, "hanging with the dick grabbers"

Quackity bursted into a fit of laughter and got a hit from Karl
"Dream! No"
Tommy looked at us weird but then typed a name and started, Quickly I saw names fly..? A chat Niki called it


Karl's pov;

This will be so fun with eveyone here! Tommy put on some music, It sounded sorta firmiliar, "SUP CHATT" sap covered his ears and eveyone was kind of shocked on how quickly Tommy's real life vs online person can change. Tommy looked to chat and all I saw were things like OH MY GOD THE BAND

Eret: Hey Tommy!

Ilovenoodles: TOMMY?! 404?! POG!!

Sushi90: What's this then?


I shot a look to dream, slightly laughing at the last comment- we really did sell it.

Tommy turned to dream and I, "you guys are a thing?" Dream started to laugh looking to me then whispered something in Tommy's ear, making sure chat couldn't hear

Tommy made a pog face- that dork. And started laughing "damn chat wait till you hear 'bout that one"


Tbh I lost motivation to finish this chapter, I don't really know how to finish it so this is a filler I guess, it's not really important to the story just some epic peeps hanging out!

Love you guys!! Make sure to drink some water :) xx

"The Band" Karlnap & Dnf ;)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu