The first preformance

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Real fast guys for the songs they play in the band, I'll put the Legit band who made them, like I'm this case PUBLIC made the song, but I'm acting like they made it in the story. I also fully recommend listing to Publics music, so good!
Quacity's pov;

I woke up with a killer headache and my alarm was blasting, yay.
But On the good news, we have a show today, Karl's very first show. I cant wait to see what happens, i already seen some fan accounts so it's good to know that the fans like him.

Karl's pov;
Okay, okay just get around
I won't lie, ik a bit nervous. Yes iv sung But that's in front of friends, once Niki and I sung a duet on stream and chat loved it but this is full on hundreds or even thousands of people. There- our bands really big
I wrote a song though, we've practiced it but I'm not sure which ones were set on, Dream said we will be doing one ritten by Him, Quackiy or me, which works because they're both great writers. I should start getting around- okay it's killing me, I have to text Dream and ask the song because if I don't and my outfit dosent match the vibe that would suck for my first show

Karl's texts are slanted, Dreams are normal xx


K: Hellloooo Clayytonn, just wondering
what song were doing today?

D: Clayton, really? 😔also, we're doing LDQ or splash, LDQ is the back up song. :^ )

K: Wowwwww ur really gonna put Quackity song in second? Low blow Mi amor 😞 I'm telling.

D: Shut up you dork. You know splash was written better, aka it was written by me and you, which means it's amazing x10 and also I'm not your mi amor you weirdo.

K: Hehe kidding, see ya in 30 tho! Also, I got the best fit :>

D: Debatable MrJacobs.

Alright, I guess I'll Uber eats breakfast..again, maybe some McDonald's, yeahhhh
Alright it's ordered now outfit time, thankfully I painted my nails my nails a light green to match my outfit  (his fit bellow)

After I got dressed I tried to fight off my hair which was being especially difficult today, nothing a hair flip cant fix I'd assume, I wonder what eveyone else is wearing, it's gonna be so fun and- just then I hear a knock at the door hmm must be...

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After I got dressed I tried to fight off my hair which was being especially difficult today, nothing a hair flip cant fix I'd assume, I wonder what eveyone else is wearing, it's gonna be so fun and- just then I hear a knock at the door hmm must be my food.
I walk over to me door and open it, only to see the same shorter brunette that had previously gave me my food. "Well thankyou again..." I pulled out the question hopefully reciving a name back, "Darryl, the names Daryl, I like your outfit Karl!" I gave him a smile, "thanks man, and- wait, how do you know my name?" He looked confused for a second then a bit embarrassed.
"Oh- sorry! I know the band you're in and if I'm not mistaking, you're the newest member, I'm going to your show soon actually!" Oh wow, that's cool and a bit scary knowing that he knows my adress now..I'm sure it will be okay. "We'll see ya there then! Have a good day" he smiled back, "you aswell" I shut my door and quickly ate, after eating all my food I pulled a monster out of my fridge, grabbed my guitar then started driving to the studio.

"Quackity hey!" I saw Q in front of me, his theme of clothing being navy blue and black, his colors to be honest. "KARLOSS, you look very cool, but also you look like Dream right now" I laughed a bit "ain't no way he'd wear this" Quackity looked me up and down, "sorry Amigo, he's wearing a similar thing but in purple" my mouth dropped "you've got to be kidding!" He laughed while shaking his head,"if only"
Just the Dream walked in and he stopped mid walk. "Karl! if I didn't know better I'd say you and I planned to switch up like this."
"Well this should be interesting, you guys wanna practice, we have about 14 minutes before we go on?" Sap walked in with George, "yeah let's practice, we're doing Splash right?" George hummed. "Lets goooo"
Quackity lightly punched  George and glared, George just laughed it off. Yeah, should be super fun...
"Remember guys, there isn't as much guitar playing as normal so George don't cry when you don't get tons of attention"
"my man's really woke up and chose to be rude to George!!" George scuffed, "Anyways, let's start, and I'm fine with that, the fans love me the most"
-after rehearsal-

I took the last sip of my monster and In hindsight maybe I should've not drank an energy drink when I'm nervous and preforming in front of tons of people..but whatever.
They all walked on stage and the crowd was already cheering, Dream stayed behind with me, and put his hand on my shoulder, "Karl let me know if you need anything, you're gonna do great" that definitely lessened my nevers "we're gonna do great Dream."
I too a deep breath before stepping with Dream on stage and the crowd was shouting even louder, Dream took the mic and started up, "As you guys know, this is Karl Jacobs. He's our new singer, to sing with me, without further ado, this is our new song, Splash, written by Karl and I"
I gripped the mic holding it close and waited for my Que.

Quackity drumbs started playing, here we go..
Dream took the mic and started to sing, "wanna get to now ya, cause there's something 'bout your smile that I just can't place, what's your favorite color? Are you into something dark or a happy place?"
Here we go.
I stayed to sing, "I just wanna take you dancing, charm your best friend  and meet your parents
Are you busy making plans with other boys just to make me jealous?"
At this point the crowd was going crazy, cheering our names and smiles wide. Back to dream.
"Tell me what you want 'Cause it's what I want When the morning comes You're my splash of sun Yeah"

He did a head nob signaling that it was back to me, and he winked, this dork.

"I just wanna take you dancing
Charm your best friend and meet your parents
Are you busy making plans with other boys just to make me jealous?
I just wanna take you dancing
Charm your best friend and meet your parents
How long will we keep pretending?"

I was getting into it, felling the music and the crowd, I took the mic off the stand and started jumping while singing, this next part dream and I sing together. Quackity smiled to me and sap gave a thumbs up.

"How can I show you (yeah)
That, baby, I can treat you right
Hold you when you're cold
So pull me closer (closer)
Baby, we can take the night
Make it shine like gold," the crowd was blaring.  So shocked by him and I and how our voices sounded together, and me too honestly, even during practice we didn't sound THAT good!
Dream started up again, Going over to George and sapnap and sang,
"I just wanna take you dancing
Charm your best friend and meet your parents
Are you busy making plans with other boys just to make me jealous?
I just wanna take you dancing
Charm your best friend and meet your parents
How long will we keep pretending?"

And as that note wrapped up. Along with the drums and guitars stopping we had just done it. My very first show.. Quackity ran up and high-fived me, Dream shooting me a smile and we walked to the edge of the stage, we had wanted to sit and how fans ask questions after so that's what we're doing, Puffy brought out 5 chairs and we sat down.
Sapnap called on a girl in the front row, "Sapnap, if you could switch lives with one band member, who would it be?" He Hummed and scratched his chin, "okay, great question, probably Quackity because  god knows what he does when he's home" that got the audience to laugh and Quackity to flip off sap.
The next question was..for me.
"Karl, what do you think about the fan accounts?" Fan accounts..? What fan accounts
I let out a nervous laugh and Dream leaned over to me and whispered that people had made accounts about me, what?! "Well they seem pretty cool, thanks to anyone who's made one"

After awhile the last question was for George, "George, who's the best writer in the band?"
George smirked, "I'd have to say Quackity probably" q smiled and then that was it.

We went backstage and Niki was there!! With Rihana, they ran to hug me, "KARL YOU DID AMAZING!!" "Thanks! Missed you guys"
Rihana said she has missed me to, so did Niki then I introduced them to the band, after that we went to get some pizza, which Sapnap had rented out because he didn't want fans bombarding us with.

TY FOR READINNGGG<3 I appreciate it lots! Please make sure to drink some water and have a lovely day/night!
Honestly it's kinda late and this is a super scuffed chapter, though I hope you enjoyed none the less :)

&quot;The Band&quot; Karlnap & Dnf ;)Where stories live. Discover now