Part 1:S-Sans

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Once upon a nightmare,not so far way lived a family that was one person short,their daughter Frisk or Cassidy as her friends called her had disappeared while the family was all in a pizzeria she and her friends loved. It was her 6th birthday and all her friends were with her. But the fun was cut short when everyone saw that the kids were gone. They all looked high and low for the kids but no one could find them. So they realized that they were going to have to go home without the kids. The kids were reported as missing and the police looked for them and they had a suspect but they had to let him go from lack of evidence. So they gave up on the case. All the family's were saddened by the fact that they weren't going to find their kids. But right now about 12 years later one big family the undertale family is going to find their kid or die trying little do they know, they could very much die looking for her. Let's see what happens shall we?

"Sans I miss her a lot I really do, but it's been 12 years now since we all last saw my daughter and it kinda just seems silly to think she's still alive in there.......But it won't do any harm to check let's go guys"Torall said to the rest of the family. Chara now 22 years old still had a small hope a very small hope that her little sister was still in there. They all go in the abandoned pizzeria. They were not expecting the sight in right in front of them. The mutilated version of frisk/Cassidy's closest friend Susie was starring right at them she looked shocked to see them all their and very soon ran away. They all looked at the place she just was with surprise as no one was thinking that they would see someone so close to Frisk be so mutilated. It made so kinda scared of what their kid looked like but then Undyne said this "Hey don't forget that we're going to find our little punk no matter what she looks like, she's still our kid. And we will treat her as such and anyone of you that don't consider her family just because she looks a little different will deal with me."

They then heard some voices and they all hid and someone grabbed Undyne and pulled her to hide with everyone else. "Gabriel I swear someone was here just a little bit ago. Some monsters were right here." The boy now known as Gabriel said " Susie are you feeling good. You know no human nor monster would come here. After what happened to us. You know what I just going to try to ask Cass where Evan is, I need to talk to him about something."

After that both of them left to who knows where and the family came out. Confused on what they just heard. Flowey said "dang it,the tiny tot is still here." Even though he didn't sound like it he was relieved that his younger human sister is ok and what ever form she will come in she will always be his baby sister. Then they all heard a voice that was all so familiar to them. "S-Sans,m-mom,Chara,Undyne i-is everyone h-here?" Cassidy said. Everyone looked right at her and before she could ask again they all and I do mean all of them hugged her so tight that if she could breath she wouldn't be. The hug lasted until they heard an another voice.

"U-um sugar cube who are they and u-um aren't you going to kill them like we're supposed too, just wondering if I should go get Ms.Puppet or not"

a broken heart, a shattered soul undertale x fnafTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang