At school...
"Good morning Quinn! you better study hard now" Jimin smirked
"Shut up you won't win against me" Quinn chuckled
"What's going on guys?" Jungkook asked
"Jimin and I made a bet on who's gonna get higher grades and if i win he's gonna be my slave for a week" Quinn replied
"And if you lose?" Jungkook asked
"I have to kiss him and go on a date with him" Quinn chuckled
"What?!" Jungkook replied in shock
"Why do you seem so affected JK?" Jimin smirked
"Nothing, I gotta go" Jungkook replied as he left
"What's up with him?" Quinn asked
"Don't mind him, he's alright. Do you want to study with me later?" Jimin smirked
"Hmm, i'll think about it but thanks for the offer" Quinn smiled as she walked away.

"Leave Quinn alone" Eunwoo uttered
"I wouldn't do that, i like Quinn and we're both single" Jimin replied
"I'm gonna win her back, Yoongi never deserved her" Eunwoo sighed
"You didn't deserve her and you never will, so don't flatter yourself too much" Jimin smirked as he walked away.

During lunch break..
"Jungkook! wanna eat lunch together? just the two of us" Quinn approached Jungkook
"Hmm yes of course" Jungkook replied
"Okay good! let's go, it's on me" Quinn replied as she grabbed Jungkook's hand, they both went to the cafeteria and Quinn ordered some food for both of them.
"What's with all this? do you need a favor from me?" Jungkook giggled
"No i don't, I heard you got into a fight with Yoongi for defending me, you didn't have to do that but I really want to thank you for everything you've done for me" Quinn replied
"Anything for you Q, i lo-, the food is really good" Jungkook blushed
"Yeah, i made sure to get you the best food here" Quinn replied
"Can I ask you something?" Jungkook uttered
"Of course! go ahead Koo" Quinn smiled
"Are you interested in dating Jimin?" Jungkook asked
"Well, I don't actually know, you see I just broke up with Yoongi and I don't think i'm ready yet but Jimin is actually a nice guy. It's funny he had to do a bet with me just to ask me out on a date when he could have just asked me casually. I would actually say yes" Quinn replied
"So you like him?" Jungkook asked
"Yeah but as a friend, if i'm being honest I don't know when i'll ever get over Yoongi. I'm just moving on with my life but I actually miss him" Quinn replied
"I know you'll get over him soon. I'll be here with you all the way to support you" Jungkook replied as he pecked Quinn on the cheek
"Yeah i'll probably get over him someday, i don't know when but i'll do for sure" Quinn replied

A few hours later, Jimin and Quinn met up and he helped Quinn study. They had a pretty good time together.

The next day, the professor announced that their camp will be in a few weeks, their exams were also approaching.
"You guys wouldn't have the same partners for the next camp. We will be pairing you up when we get there, but for now please prepare for your examinations. Prom will be after your exams as well" The professor uttered

Man, i'm too lazy to go to that camp anyways and i badly need to study hard for the exams. I gotta beat Jimin's ass.
"Q are you ready to kiss me soon?" Jimin smirked
"Hmm the real question is are you ready to do whatever i say soon" I chuckled
"You really think you can beat me Davids" Jimin squinted his eyes
"Um yes actually I can beat your ass" I teased
"Maybe kiss me first though" Jimin winked
"Stop flirting with me" I rolled my eyes
"Why? are you falling in love now?" Jimin smirked
"Shut up" I laughed
"Ouch, now i'm hurt" Jimin teased
"Whatever" I playfully punched his arm
"Quinn can we talk?" Eunwoo walked towards us
"Yeah sure" I replied
"Alone" Eunwoo uttered looking at Jimin
"Okay fine" Jimin said as he left the two of us alone
"Do you need something?" I asked
"I think this is our chance to fix our relationship, Quinn i miss you and I love you" Eunwoo pulled me for a hug
"Look man, i'm way too busy. I don't have time for this" I pulled out of the hug and walked away. Why won't he just go back to Lily anyways, screw him there is no way i'll get back together with him nor Yoongi.

After class..
"What's with the face?" Taehyung giggled
"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked
"I wanted to see you so I went here" Taehyung smiled
"You're so sweet, wanna hang out?" I replied
"Yes, I was planning to invite you for dinner if that's alright with you" Taehyung replied
"Sure let's go" I replied as I grabbed his hand and went to the diner. We had an amazing dinner and we decided to walk home instead of him driving for me.

"So tell me, how are you feeling?" Taehyung asked
"Hmm, i'm gonna be honest with you. I feel a little broken till now, I gotta admit it I actually miss Yoongi" I sighed
"Then why won't you talk to him and tell him how you feel?" Taehyung replied
"He broke my heart you know, he cheated on me. I can't get back together with him I can't even stand seeing him right now but I do miss him, I'm having mixed emotions and it's really stressful" I replied
"Then use me as your rebound" Taehyung smiled
"What? I would never do that to you, don't ever to say that" I replied
"It breaks me to see you broken, especially over Yoongi, if you being with someone else would help you move on. I'd be more than happy to be the guy who will help you with that even if you use me to get over him it's alright with me" Taehyung held my face as he uttered those words
"I won't do that to you, Taehyung you're really special to me and I think it would be better if we stay as friends" I replied
"But I love you more than a friend, and i'll do anything and everything to make you mine. Quinn i never felt this way before, you're the only person who has made me feel this way" Taehyung uttered as he pulled me for a kiss.

hey guys! hope you're liking the story so far :) feel free to let me know your thoughts💜votes are highly appreciated🥰

tysm take care and stay safe always!

I love you so - min yoongi /jeon jungkook/ cha eunwoo fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now