(11) The Only One Left

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"Don't worry, Kageyama-Kun"

Luckily for the others, they had managed to run away before anyone got injured except for some but they had minor injuries from the shards. Hinata ran to the gate only to see Yuri standing there, looking directly into his eyes. "Yuri? Uhm.. have you seen Kageyama and the 3?" He asked the raven head. "They're gone, for now but Kageyama is at home." She replied as she walked away from Hinata and towards the black car from before. "Don't go looking for him though." She said as she got into the car and rode away.

Hinata heard the others behind him. 

Who is Kageyama's lover now?













I looked at my childhood friend as she took a sip of her tea. What did she do with them? I wanted to say something but didn't want to break silence. I fell back onto my chair as I waited for her to say something because I didn't want to.. I looked down at her heels at the shoe rack to see blood on them, did she kill them..? Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Yuri went to open it. It was the Crows and the Foxes. Osamu came in first as Kita and Yuri started talking. The others were watching TV while the rest were eating snacks in the kitchen. I was suddenly cuddling Osamu as he fell asleep. I couldn't let go because his arms were around me tightly. It was around the end of December and I just wanted it to be Spring already.. I just loved the Cherry Blossoms and the festivals during that period of time. 

Osamu hugged me tighter as I tried to get off him. This big boy really likes to hug me huh. I placed my hand onto his head and patted his head gently. I don't really know why but the thought about the 3 of them popped up into my head. I kinda miss them already, what did Yuri do to them again? I don't know but I didn't dare to ask her. Who knows what her reply could be? She never lies though, she would tell the truth no matter what kind of situation it is. 

"Yuri?" I asked. She looked at me, her blue eye got darker though. Meaning she's a little annoyed from before. "Can I ask you something?" She nodded. "What did you do to them?" She looked at me for awhile as everyone looked back. She sighed and replied, "What do you think?" I was kinda shocked from her answer because she would never say that. I shrugged my shoulders as she continued, "I killed them." Everyone stared in shock, especially me. Killed? Someone like them? I knew Yuri could fight and all but she killed all 3 of them. She knew how much I loved Atsumu and Sakusa and she still killed them? Yeah, they hurt and betrayed me but still, isn't that a bit too much..? 

She let out a small chuckle. 

"You'll get to see them, soon. If you can find them of course..."

I looked at her in confusion as she smiled. Is she telling me to go find them? But isn't it obvious that it should be at a cemetery? She stopped smiling and stared deeper into my eyes. I gulped as she turned away from me. Time to go on a hunt then..


It was 1am and me,Osamu, Kita and Suna went to find the 3 as Yuri also said that they are together. However, after almost about an hour, they were nowhere. We walked back to the car nearby our school until we heard screaming from the front gate. One of the senior Teachers from our school was on the bridge, looking down towards the water. We quickly ran towards her to see what she was staring at and saw the river not clear but red. 

Found them.

We went under the bridge to see 3 of the bodies hanging as I stared in shock. Yuri did this? I untied the bodies and yeah, I was right. It was them. I thought of helping them despite all the bad times we had.

I waited outside the room for the news with the 3 as they looked a little bit worried because I actually helped the people who hurt me. But I feel like it is better for them to stay alive as the numbers are decreasing quite fast. I can't let them be one of them right? I fidgeted with my fingers as I wanted and waited. The doctor finally came out of them room and told us that they had to go through surgery and can only  be discharged after a week. 

I didn't want to get mad at Yuri because they sort of deserved it too. I looked down towards the ground as I slowly fell asleep. I could feel that I was being carried by someone and i knew it was Osamu.

Yuri, are you sure about this?








It was 12pm in the afternoon and we were eating lunch. Yuri was washing the dishes while some of the others were playing video games. I looked at Yuri one more time as she arranged the utensils back to where they were. 

Does Yuri know the truth?

"Yes I do."

I jumped slightly from what she said. She knew? She knew everything, but how? No one told her, no one did. She looked back at me with her eyes shining against the sunlight which was shining through the glass windows. She smiled softly at me, she stood there with her hands behind her back. Who told her?

Her hands were spinning two pairs of scissors behind.

I know everything, Kageyama-Kun. 

From the start.

Tobio-kun,  you're mine. (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now