Coming back (The Cats and Owls)

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(Sorry if this part is really confusing.)

Kageyama could hear at least 3 people behind him and saw that there were 3 black-masked people who's were following him. He quickly ran away because he knew he couldn't fight them at the same time because they would team up against him anyway. He was lucky enough to lose them. He knew he couldn't go back to the gym and it was the last day as well but he had to get his stuff anyway. He quickly ran back to the gym and took a peek inside to see if anyone was inside, he looked left and right, ran into the gym and got his stuff. He ran out, but only to see 3 vans in front of him. He had to go back to Karasuno High. He ran there as fast as he could but the vans were still following him. He had reached the school in time and ran to the gym immediately. He didn't see anyone, however, he heard something behind him, and it was moving. He turned to only see a gang? Their leader walked towards Kageyama but he kept moving backwards each time the leader takes a step in front. Kageyama felt his back hit against the wall and was soon pinned to it. He saw a red mark on the guy's right wrist. Knowing he was an alpha but could possibly be really slow, Kageyama slid between the guy's legs and hit him with his bag. He saw the other members coming up to him, but he thought that the leader was unconscious, he was wrong anyway, their leader grabbed him by the neck and pulled him backwards. Kageyama saw him take something out from his pocket and cover it over his mouth.

"Just fall asleep for awhile, Darling." The guy whispered to him as Kageyama fainted.










The next thing Kageyama knew was that he had woken up in a bedroom. He sat up, and tried to recall what had happened. The only thing he had remembered was what had happened in the gym at Karasuno High. 

"You've finally woken up." Someone whispered into his ear. Scared to turn around, Kageyama just faced the window, ignoring the person behind him. Suddenly, he could feel 2 strong arms around him. 

"And you are..?" Kageyama asked, "Akaashi." The guy replied. Hearing the name "Akaashi", Kageyama knew it was The Owls. He knew a lot about them anyway but this was the first time actually meeting them. As Akaashi hugged Kageyama tighter, someone else barged into the room. They both turned to see who it was.

"HEY HEY HEY!!" Bokuto yelled as he jumped onto Kageyama and Akaashi. 

"Bokuto-san, you're heavy." Akaashi said, petting Bokuto's head. When Akaashi looked around the room for Kageyama, he was nowhere to be found, only seeing an open window at the side of the room. He had escaped. Akaashi chuckled as he told Bokuto where had Kageyama had gone. 


I ran away as quickly as I can, trying to find my way out of the area. Only to find the guards who were part of the Owls. The Cats were also part of the Owls since they combined. I tried to find a way to get past them. But as soon as I got past them, someone had thrown me over their shoulder, I tried to get them to put me down but couldn't. It was Kuroo. I tried to hit his back a lot of times so he could put me down but he just wouldn't.


I was cooking lunch while Akaashi was just being the clingy owl as he is. He put his chin on the top of my head and watched me cook. Bokuto had walked in with Kuroo.

"Akaashi, we have a meeting with the others later after lunch. We will have to go meet the Foxes and the Crows. You can bring To-" But before Bokuto could finish speaking, I replied to him with a "No." I didn't really want to meet the others anyway. I put the food on the table and walked back to my room that was suppose to be "my" room. Akaashi sighed but still decided to bring me there, by dragging me with him. I received a call from Hinata, asking me where I was. I told him I was going to be at the meeting and go back with them but Akaashi didn't agree with me. He told Hinata over the phone that I was going to stay with The Cats and Owls. Then they started to argue over the phone. I felt someone hug me from behind and it was Bokuto, who was tired as he didn't get enough sleep. I didn't know what to do but he looked like he wanted a kiss so I gave him one but on the forehead instead. Akaashi then hung up at then end of the argument and told us to get into the vans to go to the Foxes and the Crows. I sat at the back, between Yaku and Kenma, while I was listening to music. We could hear Bokuto and Kuroo talking and laughing loudly while Akaashi tried to tell them to keep their volume down. When we had reached, the building was huge. We had walked in while I was talking to Kenma about stuff. When we were told to go to the meeting room, I was sitting between Akaashi's legs with his chin on my head. The leaders, Kuroo, Bokuto, Kita and Daichi were talking about how they had to deal with the situation caused by the other mafia groups. Especially the snakes. They weren't as strong as before but they were stronger. They were almost causing a war in the area where there would be guards from other mafia groups. (NOT from the ones mentioned). However, they didn't expect some people to be coming over. It was the wind, Eagles, Weasels and the Snakes. They weren't suppose to be here but the others guessed that they could just be part of the meeting anyway about their current discussion. 


Before I could leave with the Crows, I felt someone grab my arm and pull me back, however, Hinata pulled my other arm. I looked behind to see that it was Akaashi. They started to argue that I was suppose to be in which group.

"Oi, he's suppose to be with us, not ya'll." Someone said, interrupting them. I turned to see who it was and I was shocked. I didn't expect them to be saying that but...

It was..

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