The Bullying

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3rd person POV (past, I AM NOT writing about the ACTUAL past because I forgot how it went :')

Kageyama and his team were in the gym practising. Kageyama was practising his sets on one side of the court while the others were on the other side, practising how to serve, receive and spike. Kageyama watched Oikawa do a jump serve (if that's what you call it)and was shocked to see how amazing he was! After a few more rounds of serving, Oikawa went to take a break and sat at one of the benches near one of the courts in the gym. Kageyama wanted to know how does Oikawa serve like that and wanted to try it, but he knew he couldn't by himself. So, he went up to Oikawa. "Oikawa-san, can you teach me how to serve?" Kageyama asked him. 'Is he really that stupid and can't learn it himself?' Oikawa thought.

"I'll teach you later. Just go back to what your are suppose to be doing. Let me take a break." Oikawa replied. 

"But...but there isn't that much time left for practise anyway! Oikawa-san please please please..." Kageyama begged. 

"I already said I will teach you LATER." Oikawa said, sounding angry.

But Kageyama was impatient. He knew that Oikawa was taking a break but because of time, he really wanted to know how to serve like him. "Oikawa-San please-" but before Kageyama could continue, "SLAP!" His cheek was almost dark red from how much it hurt. Oikawa had slapped him.

"OIKAWA!" Iwaizumi called out. Kageyama was standing there, in shock. He got slapped by his own senpai just because he wanted to ask for help.

"I TOLD YOU I WILL TEACH YOU LATER!" Oikawa tried to charge at Kageyama but because Iwaizumi blocked him, he couldn't. Kageyama then dropped the ball he was holding and ran out of the gym, to somewhere else. Was he that annoying? He was quite near to the gym and could hear both Iwaizumi and Oikawa arguing about what had just happened. It was his fault anyway.

After that day, Oikawa started to hate Kageyama more and more than usual and even spread rumours about him. He lived with his older sister, Miwa but she was very busy and couldn't take care of Kageyama all the time. Kageyama didn't want to go to school anymore, but because of what he is going through now, what was he going to do? Oikawa would spread rumours about him all over social media and even put up posters about him. 

Kageyama had enough of it. He had locked himself up in the room and Miwa tried to comfort him through the door but couldn't. She wanted to deal with the situation right now. (Let's say she was a model-) Miwa had millions and almost billions of followers on social media and knew people would listen to her because of her beauty. So, one day when Miwa went to Kageyama's school, she went straight to the gym and they were shocked to see that it was really Miwa. She could hear the squeals from the girls that wanted her autograph. 

She walked up to the coach and asked, "Can I speak to one of your senior students? His name is Oikawa, Oikawa Tooru." Now the question is, no one told her his name, so how did she know?  The coach told Oikawa to follow her outside because she wanted to talk to him about something. 

"Did you hit my brother and spread rumours about him?" she asked, sounding serious. 

"It was his fault that he was annoying me, so of course I would hit him! Plus, he doesn't look like he should be your brother anyway. He's just a useless-" Oikawa was interrupted. "I'm sorry but I have to stop you there," Miwa interrupted, "He was just trying to ask for help and not annoy you, but I get it, you were on break but maybe you should understand that time is precious, especially to Kageyama. And he wants to learn new things because he wants to be like you when he grows up!"

Oikawa chuckled, "Him? Growing up to be me? As if he can do that! He can't do the things I can do!" Miwa sighed and said, "That's why he wants to ask you. Now because of what you have done, he isn't going to be the same anymore. It's all your fault." Before Oikawa could say anything else, Miwa walked away. Was it really that bad? He scrolled through social media to see what has actually been happening. He saw pictures, videos and even audios of people bullying him, all because of the rumours. But Oikawa still agreed that it was all Kageyama's fault, so he continued.

It continued even when Kageyama became a 1st year in Karasuno high. But at least some things were changing now. 

Kageyama was in the gym, practising his sets until he saw an orange-haired boy who was around his waist height. "Hey! Aren't you the Kin-" but before he could continue, he saw that Kageyama really wasn't comfortable with what he was going to say next. What has he been going through lately..

(Sorry if it's a really short chapter, it's my first time writing -w-)

Tobio-kun,  you're mine. (BOOK 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant