(10) The Final Dance Before The Truth

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Everyone looked at Kageyama, shocked. What did he just say? "Ya'll didn't know..?" He asked. Everyone tried to forget what Kageyama said. Suddenly, they realised that Atsumu and Sakusa left. Where did they go to? The back door swung open and 3 men with a few at the back stood there, holding what looked like a Sniper and pistols. They couldn't escape, there were guards at the doors. Everyone backed away as they got closer. When the figures got closer to the light, they could be seen, what Kageyama couldn't believe was that the three at the front were, Oikawa, Atsumu and Sakusa. 

They were being held hostage. "Ah, so you were here huh.." Oikawa said, passing the 2 hostages to the guys behind. "What do you want?" Hinata asked, gripping onto his guns tightly. "I'm not here to fight or anything, I'm just here to show you what really happened to that childhood friend of yours.." Oikawa continued as he took out his gun and pointed it at Atsumu. 

"Don't. You. Dare..." Kageyama mumbled.













It had been a few hours later and Atsumu was sent to the hospital. Sakusa was hugging Kageyama as he cried onto his shoulder. Some of the others came along with him but the others who didn't stayed at home just in case of any other attacks. The doctor came out of the room and told them that.. "He didn't make it." Kageyama stared at the doctor in disbelief, and it was even prom week. He only had to go with Sakusa, not that he didn't like him but Atsumu was more of the sun to them. He was enthusiastic and was always happy around them. He could turn their frowns upside down without even trying and knew how to make them happy all the time, but now everything changed.


Kageyama and Sakusa were walking to the Ballroom with Hinata, they were talking about how this would actually be Hinata and Kageyama's first time actually going with someone else for prom. When they had reached the Ballroom, they were amazed by the size of it. Crystals were hanging from the Center of the ceiling and the water surrounding the platform in the middle had roses flowing in them. There were butlers walking around, giving the others food and drinks for them to enjoy. Hinata had walked away from them to his date and left Kageyama and Sakusa there. Kageyama went to get a drink from one of the butlers, it was a Lunatic Violet Sparkle. It was mixed with berries and had some sort of sparkle in it. When Kageyama finished drinking, he turned around only to see Sakusa holding out his hand, wanting to dance with him. Kageyama's cheeks reddened with shyness and grabbed Sakusa's hand as he got dragged onto the platform to start their dance.

It was going fine..until the doors were kicked open. Everyone turned to see who it was and it was..

Atsumu and Oikawa. Kageyama stared at them in shock as Sakusa walked up beside Oikawa. "You still haven't figured out?" Oikawa asked. Kageyama suddenly realised what had been going on behind his back, the whole thing. Atsumu and Sakusa had been on Oikawa's side the whole time. Kageyama turned to the back door of the ball and ran out. Oikawa chuckled at the action and shot the crystals hanging from the top, and walked away with Atsumu and Sakusa. 


Kageyama turned to see Yuri, standing there in the dark with her glowing Amethyst and Atlantic Blue eyes. "Yuri? I thought you.." Kageyama was interrupted as he got dragged out of the school as the 3 walked by, obviously looking for Kageyama. "Leave, immediately." She said as she pushed Kageyama into a car which drove him back to Yuri's apartment she was now living in. 

"Time to deal with the 3 of you.. bastards."

Yuri walked up to the 3 men, not holding any weapons or whatever. "Eh? Yuri?! How are you..alive?" Oikawa asked in shock. "Surprising isn't it? Oikawa." She replied. Suddenly, there was a sudden pain in Oikawa's stomach. Yuri charged a fist at his stomach as he fell to the the ground and almost hit the wall, hearing the two behind her holding out their guns. 

"Even a Trio can't stop me.." she mumbled. The driver messaged Yuri that Kageyama had arrived safely. She turned to the 2 as she took off 2 of her high heels and threw it directly at their stomachs, stabbing them. She grabbed their guns and pointed at the 2 and shot them. However, Oikawa had woken up and took out his gun to shoot Yuri, but in a blink of an eye, she was gone.

He was then shot in the head. 

Yuri grabbed the 3 bodies and went to the front of the school and hung them upside down under the bridge.

Don't worry Kageyama-Kun.

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