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*we only see each other at weddings and funerals*

19 years ago...

"Are you alright?" Seven asked from across the training room. Five slowly got up from the ground, having just slipped on the girl's ice.

"Never been better, Sky," he sarcastically yelled back. Seven ran over to him and held her hand out to him, helping him up from the ground. She stared at the ice that she had created and groaned loudly, stomping her foot until the ice cracked.

She'd been training for several weeks, trying to physically fight without triggering her powers. But she always seemed to result in freezing the opponents feet or making them slip on ice.

"Why can't I control it?" she groaned, anger tears beginning to fill her eyes. "We've been trying this for weeks, and yet I still lose control and-"

"Hey, Sky, it's ok," Five cut her off, reassuring the black-haired girl. He lifts the girl's head, making her meet her gaze. The two stared into each other's eyes for a short minute as Five wiped away the Seven's tears.

It was clear to see that the two children had crushes on each other, from the way they looked at each other and the way they always seemed to be attached at the hip. It was obvious to everyone but them.

Just as Seven was about to return to her position at the other end of the training room, Mr. Hargreeves came rushing into the room. The siblings stopped what they were doing and stared at the man, confused. He never came into the training room unless it was a designated training time, which it wasn't.

"Number Seven," he quickly said before leaving the room as quickly as he had come. Seven looked at Five nervously before starting to follow the old man out the door.

On her way out, she passed her siblings, who all used their free time to train; Two was fighting Three, One was punching a punching bag, and Four was fighting Six. Eight was sadly sitting in the corner, recording the others' progress.

The siblings were worried for her, Hargreeves never pulled the children out of their free time unless something was wrong. Once Seven was outside the room, Hargreeves led her throughout the house. They made their way to an elevator that Seven didn't even know existed in the house, and they took the metal box down to an unknown basement.

Hargreeves dragged Seven out of the elevator and led her to a door at the end of the hall. As they got closer, Seven got more and more afraid. She felt the coldness of the room around her. As she got older, she noticed her tolerance for the cold begin to decrease, her body becoming more and more sensitive to it.

When they reached the door, Hargreeves shoved Seven into the room and locked the door. Seven quickly examined the room; it was padded with white cushions which appeared to be soundproof, the door was steel, and the floor was cold concrete. There was a small twin bed in the corner of the room and a dim light hung from the ceiling.

The temperature of the room seemed normal, almost too warm and too good to be true. She looked around for a second and went back to the door, examining it as well. It seemed heavily locked, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't pry it open.

Finally, she gave up and retreated to the twin bed in defeat. Seven sat there for what felt like hours, until she realized the room was progressively getting cold. She clutched her arms and shivered, grabbing at the bed sheet. Except there were no bed sheets, it was an empty mattress.

The girl only started to get frightened when she heard the voice of the man she was forced to call 'father' spoke over some sort of intercom. She hoped what she heard wasn't true, that he was only saying those words to scare her.

frozen over (five hargreeves x oc) [1]Where stories live. Discover now