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*we only see each other at weddings and funerals*

To the normal person, the room would have been freezing cold. Like, the "sensitive bitches would get frost bite" cold. But not to Skyler, obviously. She was known as the ice queen for a reason.

Her eyes slowly opened, blinking away the ice that had grown on her eyelashes. The cold air hit her eyes, and closed them just as quick as she had opened them.

Pain, that was all she felt. Skyler tried opening her eyes again and blinked to get used to the bright lights. Without moving around, she scanned the room she was in.

It was padded, and ice formed along the walls of the rooms. When the girl breathed, she could see her breath come from her mouth. There were some snowflakes calling from the ice on the ceiling. The only things in the room seemed to be the bed that Skyler laid on.

Before she could examine the room further, she heard the sound of a door opening somewhere and the footsteps of someone that definitely wasn't human. I mean, who else could survive the cold?

"Skyler, sweetie?" a woman's sweet voice said, sounding concerned. The girl almost cried in relief when she recognized the voice and blinked away the tears, knowing that if they fell then they would turn into ice in seconds.

"M- Mom?" Skyler whimpered, slowly sitting up. She knew that was a mistake immediately, as she fell back onto the bed holding her head. More pain filled her head and behind her eye sockets, and Skyler wished it could go away.

"Oh, sweetie, don't try and get up. I'll get you back to your room," Grace, the girl's robot mother said. The asian girl laid limp as her mom carried her out of the freezing room.

The warm air hit the girl's deathly pale skin, even though it wasn't that warm. She was carried up several flights of stairs that she didn't bother remembering and finally was laid in a much more comfy bed.

Skyler recognized it, the soft fuzzy blanket that felt hot to the touch and the smell of lavender that lingered in the pillow even though she hadn't been the room in quite sometime. It was her bed, in her room.

She giggled quietly at the nostalgic feelings that filled her body at being in her room again as memories flashed in her head.


"Sky! Come on, dance!" Luther pushed, making Skyler giggled.

"We have this free time to do whatever we want!" Allison squealed.

She took Skyler's hands and moved them up and down to the beat of the song that echoed throughout Skyler's room. Skyler laughed louder and started to dance with her siblings.


"Diego, truth or dare?" Klaus asked his brother, waiting for an answer.

"Ummm... dare," Diego declared, a new found confidence bubbling inside him.

"I dare you to go throw a knife and make it just miss Dad," Skyler answered, knowing that Diego would never do it.

"He can't do that , Sky! It's too easy!" Klaus whined. Diego sighed, knowing that they would come up with something really hard.


"Vanya, that sounds beautiful!" Skyler cheered after Vanya finished her song on her violin.

"Thank you, Sky! I've been practicing," Vanya said, flustered.

"I could tell!" Skyler complimented, making Vanya blush. She knew Vanya had trouble fitting in with the others so she wanted her to feel welcome in her room.

frozen over (five hargreeves x oc) [1]Where stories live. Discover now