Hank: GOT YOU!


The entire landscape erupted, lifting up entire landmasses as all the apostles are now thrown into disarray

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The entire landscape erupted, lifting up entire landmasses as all the apostles are now thrown into disarray.

John: Woah.......'He's strong even without his arm!'

Jay: 'Is this the strength of a hero?'

Many of the weaker folks stared in wonder at the scene.

Hank: Me and BBQ will take the left....I'll take the right!

Y/N: Let's go!

They both ran to their respective ends and engaged the armies on each side.

Y/N's side


Several tendrils whipped out from Y/N's back slapping the apostles away around him.

Ghouls: 'Huh.'

He drew out Soul Eater and threw it like a boomerang. Wacking several demons, Y/N jump to catch the sword before spinning down and slamming it onto the ground, sending the majority away with a massive shockwave.

Good Hunter: 'Impressive.'

Y/N: Now.....who's next-


Revy 2: Why's he frozen?

They all pondered as Y/N stops moving, seemingly frozen in place. Their eyes confirmed their own suspicions when they saw an apostle holding out what seems to be an artifact and directing it to Y/N.

???2: I GOT HIM!

General: Excellent work. *grin* Now we wait.....

???2: *confused* How so?

General: This box...........contains our own life force. It warps our incompatible energy into a human being, where this energy will manifest itself into the human mind it's greatest fear. I'd dare say that it's rather......fatal for a human. *grin* Not only does it show their greatest fear it puts them through all the pain and suffering they felt throughout their lifetime.

??2: *grin* And I'm guessing this pain is amplified?

General: Precisely! It's only so long before their mind breaks down and they die a painful death.

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