Sooner or Later

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The Source stood, glaring at a small group of sniveling demons crawling on their knees—or equivalent bodily parts—begging for mercy. His eyes were completely black at the moment, void of any emotion despite the fury and annoyance building in his chest. His short, gelled blond hair remained hidden underneath the black, heavily-embroidered hood identifying him as the Source of All Evil. The ex-vampire lord raised one of his deathly pale hands and looked down at his yellowing fingernails, a clear indication of utter boredom and contempt. He had put up with these demons squabbling for his pardon for over an hour, the most patience he had shown since becoming the Lord of the Underworld. The constant badgering for forgiveness was certainly getting old. Still examining his fingernails, he began a mental list of the far more essential objectives he had to accomplish by the end of the day. Pardoning a bunch of low-level incompetent buffoons was not high on his to-do list.

Suddenly, an angry glowing flame erupted behind the Source's pupils, enveloping his eyes with its orange and red hue. The demons continued to implore him for mercy, utterly oblivious to his change in mood. He lowered his hand and raised the other, allowing a small white-hot flame to form in his severely scarred palm. One of the demons looked up then, fear showing in his bright sea-green eyes. The Source smiled and threw the fireball at the demons. In an instant, they were all piles of ash quickly blown away by the faint breeze.

The Seer flamed in seconds later with a look of pure contempt besmirching her otherwise enchanting face. Her malevolent dark brown eyes surveyed the piles of disappearing ash without interest as she walked briskly up the path leading to his throne. Something had annoyed her, as she usually was much more graceful. Now, she was a lioness on the hunt. Her eyes found him, and she lowered her head in reverence, but not to the point where she had to break eye contact.

"Milord," she said and regained all of her composure instantly. She looked up and, without hesitation, directly into the now icy blue eyes of the Source. "You summoned?"

The blond-haired demon took a step toward the beautiful and scantily-clad clairvoyant demon. He breathed in her seductive aroma, and his fangs grazed her taut skin on the side of her exposed neck. The Source ran a sole finger, in a caressing manner, down the Seer's cheek. His eyes turned back into empty, dark voids as he turned around, his robes displacing the last remnants of recently vanquished demons. "Have you found the vampire queen who pilfered my chosen heir?' He hissed in a dead whisper.

The Seer's eyes turned opaque white, and her facial expression grew distant, vacant. "My vision of the future remains impeded, my liege. I see death, chaos, and danger, but little more." The Seer paused, shuddering as if a cold wind suddenly swept through her. "As to your chosen son, his future is no more."

The Source whirled around, his robe swirling through the air in anger, like whiplash. "What!" He roared, sending the female demon flying across the room with a thick slap across her face. His nails drew blood as they ripped apart her cheek. "What do you mean his future is no more?"

The Seer got to her feet unsteadily, rubbing the glowing red handprint on her creamy white skin. She looked down at her hand and swallowed at the sight of the glistening crimson staining her fingers.

"Tell me, Seer," The Source commanded. "Or you will join the useless imbeciles that litter my throne room?"

The Seer looked back up and hid her hand behind her back. She straightened her back and did not flinch as the Source moved closer to her. Looking straight ahead, she answered in a clear voice. "He was murdered along with the entire vampire clan, milord."

"I know of the clan," the Source muttered, fuming. "I ordered their demise." He snapped his fingers, and a heavily-cloaked demon appeared at his feet.

"Milord." The demon knelt in reverence.

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