Chapter Twenty Three 🟡

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"Good night dad, if you need anything just call me or y/n

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"Good night dad, if you need anything just call me or y/n. We are here okay?" Baekhyun asked his dad who just nodded.

"I am fine Baekhyun. You are overreacting." He said tiredly and close his eyes.

Baekhyun stood there for a momment and then turned off the lights and walked out of the room.

He peeked to his room watching it totally empty. So he walk down the stairs, discovering his wife in the kitchen.

A smile creeped on his face and he sit on the kitchen stool.

"What are you doing baby?" He asked softly. You were startled so you jump on your place then you realise that it's just Baekhyun.

"God Baek, you scared me!" You smile. "I was making coffee. It was a long day, so I thought..." He hugged you from the back.

"Have I ever told you that you are the best wife in the world!" He asked stamping his chin on your shoulders and you smile.

"No. Not since three days." You joked.

"Well, you are the best wife!" He said it anyway. And you chuckled.

"Here.. have the coffee, then we can go and take some rest." You say. He nodded taking his cup.

Both of you sit on the sofa and he is nibbling his slender fingers on the coffee mug.

You have never seen him in this much worry before, it simply showed that how much he loves his father.

You held his hand and you smile at him. "Dad will be fine Baek! Don't worry too much!" You try to sooth him and he nodded.

"I know. It's just he had a girlfriend all these years so I was never worried about his loneliness. Now that she is gone..." He sighed.

"You know, I always thought that you are so cool about his love life. I mean as a child, it's amazing!" You say.

Baekhyun let out a chuckle. "Oh! You should have seen me when I was younger! I even tried to kill his girlfriends!" Both of you let out a laugh.

"What?" You asked still laughing.

"My dad and mom had an arranged marriage just like us. But they really never get along. When the marriage was over six to seven months, my grandparents wanted a child from them. So they gave birth to me. Not because they loved each other, just because it was society's norms." He opened his heart. He never really talks about his family or past so you are feeling a lot closer to him. You still held his hand as he continued to talk.

"So my mom, she was never happy. I never seen her smiling her heart out. So I have always thought that marriage is a scary concept." You came closer to him to hug him from the side.

"So, when I was in 6th grade, my mom was diagnosed with brain cancer. Andy father really tried a lot, that was the time when I used to see him sitting by her side, or taking care of her, he even cried on the hospital. But at last we couldn't save her." He sighed. And you hug him tightly. He creased your hand and put a kiss on your head.

"So as a teen, who doesn't have a mom, I never had a good relationship with my father. If I say I kinda hated him, that would also be true. And then after a year or so he started dating women. And that escalated my anger towards him. I even pranked his girlfriend's in the most shameful ways!" He couldn't help but to laugh.

"So a distance took place between us and we never could be like any other dad and son. But later, when I became an adult, I realized that every person needs someone in his or her life. When I started dating I could understand my father's feeling. He never cheated my mother and always respected her, so may be he wasn't bad." Baekhyun said.

"So yeah! That's when I was okay with my father being dating!" He smiled at you and you smooch on his lips.

"I love you!" You say.

"I never doubted it." He joked. You roll your eyes at him.

"Finish your coffee." You scold him and sip on your cup. He nodded and do the same.

"You know, when my dad told me that I have to do an arranged marriage, I was scared. I thought that may be I will also experience something like my parents." He said.

"And?" You dare asked.

"And slowly I fell in love with you and when you were angry with me and left me, I realized I couldn't live without you." He said and you blush.

"I love you princess!" He put a kiss on your head.

"I NEVER DOUBTED IT!" you say on his face and now he is laughing.

"Let's get your ass on my bed. Then I will see you." He said and took you over his shoulder. You laugh untill he reached to your bedroom and slammed you on your bed.

"Now, I will never let you doubt." He said and jumped over you.


"You sure?" Baekhyun asked as you are making him go to office. He is in home for three days and there are a lots of work.

"Yes. Your dad is fine and I have Martha and other maids to help. So just go Baekhyun!" You say as he give up.

"Fine!" He said and hot ready for his work. 

When he was finally gone you smile. You walked to the kitchen where Martha was making soup for your father in law and you sit there munching on a carrot.

"He really loves his father but he acts like he doesn't." Martha said.

"Tell me about it." You laugh.

"Let me check if Mr. Byun is awake or not." She said.

"No. You finish your cooking. I can check." You walked upstairs to your father in law's room and knocked.

"Dad?" You knocked again. "Dad?" No response. So you quickly open the door to discover he is playing subway surfers on his phone. You couldn't help but laugh.

"Dad, I was calling you. You know how worried I was." You say while sitting on the chair beside the bed.

"And I was playing. Oh great now I am dead!" He said and took down his phone. No wonder he is Baekhyun's father. He has all these mischievous gene's.

"I am sorry.  But the breakfast is ready. Should I bring it here?" You asked.

"No. I am bored. I will have it in the table with all of you." He said.

"That includes me. Baek is on his way to office." You say.

"That's even better. We can have some father daughter time then!" He clapped his hand and something inside you clicked.

Your own father never said such words. Never in your life you have heard something like this. So you were taken aback.

"What?" He asked

"Let's go and have father daughter time then!" You say.

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