Chapter Fourteen 🟡

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You didn't talked to Baekhyun for the whole night and you didn't even turned to his side of the bed

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

You didn't talked to Baekhyun for the whole night and you didn't even turned to his side of the bed.

There was a distance in between both of you as you didn't even cuddled. You don't know when you fell asleep. But you were not happy about the whole Olivia situation. And the worst part? Baekhyun didn't even tried to patch up.

As you wake up from the sleep he was not here so you went to washroom and finish your morning routine.

When you were down from upstairs Martha was watching TV with her morning coffee.

"Morning Martha!" You tiredly said and sit beside her, she wished you too and you are now looking at the TV.

"Where's the man of this house?" You asked and she chuckled.

"You guys had a fight or what?" She asked and you roll your eyes.

"He went to office, too early. He didn't even eat anything. And he said he'll be late." She said.

As the realisation hit you that he is working too hard but you are giving him more hard time, you feel stupid.

You sighed. You don't feel so good now that you know he is starving. He didn't even ate dinner last night.

"What you wanna have for breakfast?" Martha asked you but you were lost on your own thoughts.

"Honey?" She asked again.

"Huh?" You came back to reality.

"What you wanna have for breakfast?" She asked again.

"Nothing." You replied and walk to the kitchen. She is looking at you awkwardly as you are looking through the fridge.

"I am gonna make lunch for him today and give him a surprise!" You finally smiled. Martha smiled and nodded too.


You chose a light pink dress that is a inch below of your knees. You wear light make up and curl your hair. As you spray a lavender perfume in your neck you smile.

Baekhyun will be so happy today. You walk downstairs where martha was ready with the boxes of what you made. Steak, sauteed vegetables, mashed potatoes and caramel pudding. All made by you for your dear husband.

The driver took the boxes from her and you walk outside. "Have a nice date!" Martha joked and you chuckled.

As the driver parked on the office building you cane out him following you with the boxes.

"Mrs. Byun!"

"Wow she is so pretty!"

"She came with lunch"

"Good afternoon Mrs. Byun!"

"Isn't she too young for our CEO!"

You heard this types of words on your way. You hop on to the lift knowing your husband's cabin is in 17th floor.

Jongdae was surprised to see you as you smile at him. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I bought lunch for my husband silly! Don't worry I bought for you too!" You smile at him.

"He is in a meeting!" Jongdae said in a stiff voice.

"Let me walk to his cabin so that he knows that I am here." You say to him.

"I am afraid it's something important y/n." Your face lost it's glow. Oh!

And as both of you were talking outside of his cabin, Olivia came out from the room buttoning his shirt that was unbuttoned half of the way.

Her hair is a mess and she do not look like her usual self. Your eyes went big and you drop the phone in your hand as it breaks.

"I wanna go home!" You tell your driver as both of you walked fast.

"Y/n wait. Let me tell Baekhyun you are here. Wait... Y/n." Jongdae followed you untill he could but you didn't stop.

"You don't need to tell him anything! He doesn't need to know!" You say as a teardrop fell from your eyes.

The door of the lift closes with that.

You seat on the car closing your eyes consuming the pain that is burning your chest.

"Jen wi..." You called your driver in a small voice.

"Yes mam?" He said apologetically.

"Drive me to my parents home. I will be staying there for few days!" You say eyes still closed.

"But mam..." You stop him.

"What I say goes!" And with that he nodded.


It's been three days since you are living in your parents house. No contact from Baekhyun or anyone else. It's a good thing that you broke your phone that time, so he couldn't call you.

You are now lying on your bed thinking about the good time that you spend with him. You really thought that he loved you.

But may be you were wrong. Or may be you were not enough for him. You are not mature and sexy like Olivia. May be what you do in bed is stupid for him.

May be he wasn't satisfied that is why he needs other women in his life. Your mother has already told you that you look more ugly since you put on weight. So yeah! May be that's the reason.

"Ya! You little piece of shit! Why are you lying this hour? Do you think our house has maids like yours? Cook for us, you look like an elephant anyways!" Your mom spit out the hate speech but you are used to with that.

You nodded a little and walk to the kitchen, cooking dinner for your parents.  She followed you to the kitchen and looked at you with disgusting eyes.

"Tell me what you have done?" She asked.

"What do you mean mom?" You asked.

"Tell me what you have done that your husband pushed you out from his luxurious house?" She said. You sigh!

"I told you mom I haven't done anything, I was just missing you guys so I thought to visit you guys for a week!" You say.

"I know you are lying. He must have lost interest on you since you are looking bad then most of his maids, he can make them suck his dicks why he needs someone useless like you!" She said and a tear fell from your eyes.

"Mom! Stop saying these things! He is your son in law for god's sake!" Your voice was a bit loud than you intend to be.

She grabbed you by your hair and beat you. "Don't rise your voice with me young lady! I don't like that!" She threaten you and you cry in pain.

It's nothing much! You are raised this way! So you are used to. When she was finally done beating you, you cook for them cause she won't let you eat this. You need to lose weight.


I know I am a day early today. But yeah! Enjoy or cry or whatever!

-Sammy 🌼

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