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"I think it's a sound plan." The grand general commented, and the other generals emitted sounds of approval.

"It's good that you all approve of the plan and are willing to be a part of it. Because to make sure we succeed. Each and every one of you will be accompanied by one of our trusted knights at all times until it's time to take action. You will not be allowed to have private conversations with anyone, and you will not give out any orders or speak of the plan until I say so."

The faces of the men contorted with disapproval.

"So, what, we are now going to be babysat? Is that it? Do you not trust us?" The Major General argued.

"This is ludicrous. Just because we haven't found the mole, it doesn't mean we should suspect each other. Distrust will only end up dividing us," another complained.

"Yes, but it's only as a precaution. One can never be too careful when it comes to the life of others. Don't you guys agree?" My smile was sharp as my eyes dared them to try to oppose our decision.

They pressed their lips together and looked at each other.

Calim waved over the knights that were awaiting orders some meters away. "Gentlemen, here are your escorts." He gestured towards the approaching knights.

After some angry grumbling, the men returned to the scorched village with their companions.

"I hope this works. If the wallerian troops figure out once again what we're planning to do, things are going to get very ugly." Calim remarked.

"Yes, but if it works, we will know who to keep a close eye on." I glowered at the retreating backs of the generals.

"Do you really think one of them might be the mole? They are all highly respected generals."

"No, I don't think neither of them is the mastermind behind this. They are too smart and too preoccupied with keeping their prestige to commit treason. But I do think they are contributing to the problem."

Calim pursed his lips and nodded with a pondering look in his eye.


A sea of townspeople filtered through the armor-clad human barrier that divided the uneasy civilians from the carriages.

"Where are they taking us? Are we really in danger?" Some asked.

"The Wallerian forces must be close by. That's why they're making us evacuate." Others speculated.

"This way, madam." An elderly woman took my outstretched hand in hers as I helped her climb into a wagon.

"Mama! Mama!" The shrieks of a frightened child pierced through the gibbering hum of the people around me.

My eyes raked the area, searching for the poor terrified soul screaming for its mother.

A tiny girl hid behind the column of a building across the road. Her face was drenched in tears, and her little hands clutched her skirt. She choked on her sobs, and another wail erupted from her lips.

Slowing my stride when I was close enough for her to see me. I crouched to her level and asked in a soft tone, "Hello, are you lost?"

The girl peeked at me under her wet lashes and sniffed, clutching her skirt tighter.

"Are you looking for your mama?" She answered with a timid nod. "I want to help you find her. Would you come with me?"

Her lower lip trembled, and more tears went down her face.

"I'm one of the knights helping people over there, see?" I pointed at them, "I can help you." She looked over to where I was pointing and then at me. After a couple of seconds, she nodded.

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