SAVING the World

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(Frisk's POV)

My vision adjusted into the fading white light. There stood another figure... a small goat child. I couldn't see his face, turns out, he was facing to the other side. His head turned left and right, and moved his white paws. He then chuckled softly.

"Finally... I was so tired of being a flower..." He spoke.

Soon after, he turned around... his eyes opened to see me... Something about him was familiar... Was he the monster in the heart locket I saw lately?

"Howdy!" He smiled nicely.

"Chara... are you there?" He asked.


"It's me! Your best friend!"

In a flash, he now appeared older. He had a malevolent smile with his horns larger. He had the same robe Toriel wore when we met her at the Ruins.

"Asriel Dreemurr!" He spoke in a more brooding tone. He laughed as the scene unfolds...

It's the end...

He starts with an attack similar to Toriel. Memories of both my sister and I when we had a fight with Toriel.

"You know? I don't care about destroying this world anymore." He said, shrugging. He raised his hands and summoned his attacks.

Stars move from above, exploding into smaller stars. I tried my best to dodge. Luckily, I didn't get a bit of a scratch.

I wondered why I'm here now... All my friends disappeared without a trace... even my big sister. I'm alone with a monster whom I wasn't even familiar with.

But within those times... I held on to my hopes... I'm never giving up!

"After I defeat you and gain total control over the timeline... I just wanted to reset everything." He said, before he summoned a pair of swords and slashed simultaneously left and right. I kept on dodging and I'm still left unscathed.

With each turn, I would get tired and would have easily wounded myself in battle with Asriel. Every turn he took, he told me his plans... Little by little, I slowly felt myself stronger no matter how hurtful his taunts are. Keep going, Frisk... You can do this!

"Now, enough messing around! It's time to purge this timeline once and for all!" He shouted. He shrugged his arms while slowly shaking his head, before I felt space getting larger... A large goat's head appeared and laughed, sending in projectiles off screen and putting myself at risk again.

"Ugh..." I muttered, looking at my dirtied hands, it was marked with such painful abrasions. I felt my body go limp, and I looked at him one more time, with a smug look on his face.

"...even after that attack you are still standing in my way? Wow, you really are something special." He said

"But don't get cocky! After all, I've only been using a fraction of my own power. Let's see what good your determination is against THIS!" He said again, before everything goes white again.


A fierce creature looked from above me, his toothy grin making me shiver. Everything seemed hopeless now.

I tried struggling... but I can't move. The voice inside me tries to help me... but I still won't budge from this invisible strain on me.

"Urah hah hah!! Behold my TRUE POWER!" He said, with a wide grin in his face.

"I can feel it... Every time you die, your grip on this world slips away... little by little. Every time you die, your friends forget you a little more... Your life with end here, in a world where nobody remembers you." He said

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