The Ultimate Confrontation

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(Sans' POV)

I followed behind the group running before Flowey and (Y/n). We ran from Snowdin, to Waterfall, to Hotlands, and got stranded by MTT Resort.

"Darn, they've escaped!" Undyne grunted, as we saw the last of the both of them.

"WHERE SHOUD WE GO NOW?" Papyrus asked in worry, and Frisk had an idea.

"All of us will go to the CORE, and I'll lead the way to the New Home. Let's go!" Frisk said, and ran to a path to the CORE...

We walked there for several minutes, following Frisk. Memories flashed as I looked at the place...

Memories of whom? Say, a certain skeleton I forgot the name of... Was a royal scientist at his time. Who cared for both Papyrus and me since the day we were brought into this world. A loving father of two, and one of the brightest beacons of hope for all monsterkind.

But one day... he just... disappeared. Those last moments before somewhere in another room exploded, with me running to try and save him, but came in too late. I witnessed his great fall... with the little Papyrus crying in my arms. Dad's scarred face, his teary eyes, his worrisome smile, and the last of his white lab coat fluttering in the wind, he disappeared into the light. It left the most painful wound in both me and Papyrus' lives. Our only parent... was long gone...

I never realized it until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Sans... are you alright? You are crying." Toriel asked, and I touched my cheekbones and felt tears. I quickly wiped it away.

"it's nothing, tori... just got a bit of a flashback..." I replied, and she patted my shoulder as we walked.

"I understand your pain... It is okay to feel sad, do not feel sorry for it." She said, smiling.

"...thanks." I replied, and we moved on until Frisk came to a stop. She breathed in and out and continued.

"We can do this guys... let's find my sister." She said, and continued on. We passed by the grey halls, the tidy house, and the grey basement which leads us to another familiar place. Those golden pillars, the blinding light from the mosaic-pattern windows. The Last Corridor... or specifically... the Judgement Hall. More memories creeped in as I walked...

That time I stood against the human, the one whose face has its own strange quirks yet somehow, it shows off very unsettling vibes. Heck, it was that time when the human acted strange. Her face says it all, she'd killed countless monsters, with the dust along her clothes. From the very start at... the Ruins, and up to New Home. I waited for her, and each second made me fill with so much anger towards her.

Soon enough, we've fought. She would die several times.

"geeeeeeeet dunked on!"


But, that's not always the case...

With so much power, ever time she would die, she would come back at me again. Faster and stronger than ever before.

And eventually... With one swing...


...the knife cuts across my chest.

Ms. Teach (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now