chapter 42

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For the next three days, Jimin hadn't willingly left Jungkook's side even once.

He had to get the two of them food, had to make sure they both used the restroom, and had to ensure Jungkook drank enough of course. But during the rest of the time Jimin had stayed in Jungkook's bed, snug underneath the covers, and faithfully glued to the man's side through night and day.

Jimin was reading a book while his head rested on Jungkook's chest. Every now and then he would cuddle up closer to the man, or look up at him to see any change in his lifeless expression, but he was often disappointed.

It was as though Jungkook had fully turned into a zombie, and Jimin really was trying to take care of a corpse.

"Does it have a good ending?"

Jimin flinched, Jungkook's faint voice surprising him as it was the first time he'd heard any other sound apart from the TV for the last three days.

"Uhm... I don't know yet," he answered, trying to play it cool. "It's my first time reading it. Taehyung recommended it to me."


Jimin smiled at Jungkook's baffled tone, turning around on his stomach to look at him. "I never got the chance to tell you, did I? Guess who I met on my very first day in Massachusetts?"

Jungkook furrowed his brows. "No way."

"Yes way," Jimin giggled. "Turns out he owns a late night market downtown now. He's actually letting me stay there for free if I sacrifice a few nights a week to work for him."

Jungkook huffed. "What are the odds all three of us ended up here..."

"Yeah, it's pretty crazy," Jimin said, finding himself stuck staring up at Jungkook's face in awe. All of a sudden the pinkhaired man couldn't help but find his roommate incredibly attractive from his angle. He didn't know if it was because Jungkook had finally switched off his lifeless expression, but he was so very handsome. Jimin couldn't understand why the man himself was having a hard time seeing it.

"How are you feeling?" Jimin asked, his big eyes darting across Jungkook's face.

Jungkook shrugged, looking down in shame. "I must have scared you," he said quietly.

"You didn't," Jimin said right away. "You couldn't."

Jungkook's lips twitched upward, but his eyes were filled to the brim with sadness. "You know, back at rehab last year I heard these people talking. They were saying that when you're on drugs, your brain like- changes? Or something... and that if you keep using for too long, eventually, you'll never be able to experience happiness or excitement or any other good emotions without drugs." Jungkook swallowed thickly. "You're gonna be a doctor..." he said, sparing Jimin a quick glance. "Is it true, what they said? A-am I going to be depressed forever now?"

Jimin parted his lips to speak, only to close them soon after, and Jungkook took it as his answer. "Right..." he said. "I see."

"It isn't the case for everyone," Jimin tried.

"Don't bother," Jungkook said dismissively. "I've turned myself stupid by fucking up my brain, but I know it's true."

"It doesn't have to be," Jimin held on strongly, balling his fists. "And we're not going to assume it's true either. Fuck that. You're not a quitter Jungkook. I don't know if you've realised it, but you've been completely clean for two days already. That's fucking awesome."

Junkook's eyes crinkled a little at hearing the excitement in Jimin's tone, despite not quite feeling it himself.

"We just gotta focus on good things now. Happy news, you know? The bright side of life."

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