"Oh" I replied already dreading the conversation.

"How are you feeling?" He started off.

"I'm okay" I replied which was kinda true because I actually feel a little bit better after what happened earlier. Emotionally drained, physically exhausted but I'd like to think I'm fine. But if I had to be completely honest, then I'm no where near fine.

He chuckled humorlessly shaking his head.
I looked up at him furrowing my brows.
"How do you do it?" He asked.

"How do I do what?" I asked confusedly.

"Pretend like you're okay?" He raised a brow questionably.

"What? I'm not pretending" I looked at him my eyes widened on their own account.

"Yes you are. Every single day since we got you back. And it breaks my heart farfallina it's irking the hell out of me." He said honestly but I could hardly tell his tone because his face was kept neutral.

"I don't know what you mean." I decided to go with the confused act.

"I see right through your 'I'm okay' act. I can see past that confused facade your holding on. I see the panicked look in your eye bela. What has you so scared?." He pressed on.

"I honestly don't know what you're implying." I continued on acting confused though the ice was slowly breaking.

"I saw the footage Isa, I saw how he whispered something to you, how the color drained from your face and pure fear flashed through your eyes.i saw how he held a knife to your throat but that didn't seem to scare you as much as whatever he told you Isa, I saw how you went into a full panic mode frenzy." He continued on.

"It was as if you were relieving something traumatic... a memory perhaps?" He said staring at me calculating my every move.

"He held a knife to my throat of course I would panic." I replied defensively.

"You know that's not true, Isa. It was what he said that had you so panicked what was it?" He asked me.

I shook my head. "I don't know what you're talking about." I replied my voice coming out strained.

"Jesus bela, I can see that you're not okay at all there's something going on"

"Please just stop." I cut him off. I took a deep breath.

"Why?" He asked staring at me intensely.

"Isabela" he said softly turning my head towards him so I'm looking right at him. "What happened to you sorella?"

"Nothing I'm okay" I replied avoiding eye contact so my eyes wouldn't give me away.

"Fine, but the truth will come out soon and I will find out what happened sooner or later and if anything of what I'm thinking is true, I'm going to lose my shit." He replied.

"Goodnight" he said giving me a kiss on the forehead making his way upstairs.

I should've stayed in my room.

Some hours later.

It's 4:30 am.
I walked out of my room feeling suffocated. The conversation I had with Alejandro constantly replaying in my head.

No they can't find out. Not yet at least I'm not ready.

I mindlessly roamed around a bit until I eventually found myself infront of a double door. I've never been this side of the house before. I pushed the doors open.My breathing caught in my throat as I glanced around the incredibly beautiful garden I've never seen anything like it.

Isabela Ferrari(On hold)Where stories live. Discover now