"Get your stupid wing out of my face-"

"Wing? I don't have wings-"

"Yes, you do!"

"Let me out! Why are you so gigantic-"

Jimmy's eyes widened more and more as he recognized people who were supposed to be dead.

A fourth person landed there as well, a few seconds after the others. She joined the pile as well.

Oli reached into the pile, grabbed a random limb, and pulled.

It happened to be a white feathered wing, and that wing was attached to MythicalSausage, who had died to Xornoth many, many years ago.

"Ow! Ow ow ow ow ow, stop pulling my-"

"Sausage!" Jimmy said.

Sausage looked at him and giggled manically. "Hi, James! You're so tiny!"

"Don't call me James!" Jimmy protested.

Sausage looked around. "Could this beautiful land possibly be the afterlife? Jimmy, how did you die? Wait, you drowned. In a puddle." He burst into giggles again.

"No!" Jimmy said, stomping his foot. "I didn't die!"

"He denies it!" Sausage cackled.

That guy was most definitely not deserving of his halo.

"... Joel?" A small voice said, and then Joel was attacked by a small furry creature.

Jimmy realized it was his sister, and she had lost her fins as well, in favor of ears, a striped tail, and a cute button nose.

"You're alive..." Lizzie sobbed.

It made Jimmy ache.

He looked hopefully at the gazebo, hoping he was there. But no, it was just Gem and FWhip, who were also dead. They looked at each other, then Gem yelped and jumped away from her brother.

"What?" FWhip said, looking hurt. "Is there something on my face?"

"Pillager," Gem said fearfully.

She wasn't a wizard anymore, that was for sure.

"Pajamas?" Sausage said in delight when he looked at FWhip.

FWhip looked at his clothes and turned the color of his old scarf that he seemed to have lost. "They're not pajamas!"

Jimmy continued to look at the gazebo, but his heart sank further and further as the elf didn't turn up.

Old friends appeared - Shelby, Mika, Meghan, Lauren, Joey, Callum, and even Katherine.

But they weren't who he was looking for.

Then, he heard another voice - one that was sealed into his memory, even after hundreds of years. A prominent Scottish accent.

The elf appeared in the gazebo, but there was something different about him - he seemed colder, if that was possible after literally causing an eternal winter. His hair was white, his skin pale, his eyes crimson. He wore a black cloak, white dress shirt, and red vest.

But it was still him.

"Scott!" Jimmy exclaimed, his face splitting into a grin for the first time in forever.

But the king of Rivendell just looked at him with a cold, calm expression. Like a stranger.

Jimmy's smile faded.

Something was horribly wrong.

"Welcome to the afterlife," Scott said coolly. "Let's see how well you survive before you go back to being dead."

Then he smiled wryly, showing gleaming fangs. And then he was gone in a puff of black smoke.

Jimmy exchanged glances with the others.

"I don't remember Scott being like that," Lauren said. "Like, maybe a little bit sometimes. But not like that."

"He wasn't," Lizzie said. "Not in Empires."

"Not unless something changed in the last two hundred years," Jimmy said, tears jumping to his eyes that he failed to hold back.

"TWO HUNDRED YEARS?!" Joel yelled.

It took a lot of explaining from Lizzie and Katherine. Jimmy just sat on the side and moped.

Something had changed in his unofficial boyfriend.

Jimmy almost preferred him dead.


The Ender Dragon had been defeated, Thornling Jimmy was dead, and now Jimmy was a cat.

How ironic. He had turned into the predator of himself. But at least he wasn't short anymore.

One of the drawbacks of his new Origin as a Feline: he couldn't mine stone.

It sucked.

Especially when Scott killed Angel Sausage and Villager Gem and then decided to come torment Jimmy.

"Scott..." Jimmy protested. "What happened to being the Champion of Aeor?"

Scott turned away. "The Champion of Aeor died."

"Obviously not, or you wouldn't be here," Jimmy pointed out.

Scott turned his nose up to the air. "You'd do best to forget Empires, Jimmy. It's over."

From his tone, even such an idiot as Jimmy could tell that "It's over" went far beyond Empires.

Scott let Jimmy go, at least for the time being. Jimmy ran, his tail shaking in agitation, and jumped into a tree, not caring that he would have a hard time getting down. He let the tears come.

This was a dream. It was surely a dream. All of this was a dream, and soon he would wake up back in the Cod Empire and Scott would be there to beam in joy and remind Jimmy that Xornoth was gone.

But it wasn't, and he wouldn't.

Suddenly, Jimmy was no longer in the tree.

Instead, he was surrounded by stone.


Just like his thoughts.

They circled around and around, wondering if he should attempt to kill Scott.

Scott made it clear that he was a bad guy.

But Jimmy couldn't hold back the good memories, couldn't help but hope that the old Scott would return.

No, he won't, Jimmy thought. It's too late. But we do have ten lives.

All we need to do... is kill him.


Legend says that he is still puzzling over how to do that even today

"I'm gonna get my dragon friends, and we're gonna take you OUT!"

"Take me where?"

I know I said I wouldn't do ships but I got an idea and I like writing things that make me want to go into a corner and think about what I've done so don't judge


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