(Chapter 3) (The Kaiju Wars)

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We have issues that these Unknown creatures may break out of the ice in the next couple weeks. We need to tell the people sir.

No! If they know the other country's will buy them off of us. It's best to keep them silent.

Okay sir. sir! One of them is...!

(Ice breaks)

Sir the reptile one is escaping.

Shit! Everyone get to the safe area! Take everything you can save! GO! GO! GO!

The unknown Beast then ripped through the ice, she was huge and more terrifying with her blue eyes.

Sir! Through here!

Did you save the papers?

Yes I did!

(Gun clicks)

See you Joey.

Sir wait!

(Gun shot)

(Body thuds)

Sorry Joey! Now to continue the process.

The Kaiju girls will attack the nearest city, Godzilla, Kong,Mothera,Hydra, and Mecha Godzilla. They will all destroy the city that my enemy lives in, Suchong!

Weeks later

(Bus stops)

Thanks bus driver!

No problem Michael.

I'm Michael Suchong, I'm one of the top students here at Willamette Colorado high. I also try to stay out of sight in some areas since my Grandpa is a big one. You see back in 2006 by grandpa was a teenager and he created the medicine to finally stop the infection from spreading. Since it's 2085 we don't even have to worry about Zombies anymore. If someone does get infected just one spray from the doctor and boom, your walking again in the streets of Willamette. Well as people say try not to walk through the streets without a jacket unless you want people to chase you if they notice you.

Is that Michael Suchong? (Happy squeals)

Uh oh! Now I gotta run!!!!!

As a popular kid in this part of town you have to do everything to escape from girls, Seriously once they see you and they know who you are as a popular kid, Run!


Where did he go?

Through here maybe? Come on!!!

(Sighs in relief) Now to get back home.

Few minutes later...

Hey dad I'm home.

Son your past lunch time where have you been?

Let me say a couple word dad, being chased by girls. That's it.

(Sighs) okay but don't come back late again! Alright!

Fine. Hey dad what's that noise?


My dad checked outside the window and he saw something large.

Son, get the car keys!


Get the damn car keys!

Okay why? What's going on?

Kaiju girls!

Kaiju girls?

Yes! Son there's something I never told you, I worked with a physyco scientist who used human girls to turn them into monsters.

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