1• Mental Mercedes

800 28 14

(dream pov)

The rain sprayed across my face through the open window, covering my helmet and nearly blocking my vision entirely. My steering wheel spun left dramatically, swerving past a bright pink mini. It's smashed up trunk not going unnoticed as it just makes it an easier target. Over the crowds screams I can hear my exhaust roaring proudly, making a trail of fiery sparks.

Driving up to the mini i level with the car. It's small size easily makes itself a victim, both of us steadying at 3rd place. I take a quick glance at the girl sat behind the wheel of the car. Nihachu. The number 173 standing out against the huge flower that has been stray painted onto the side. Her light pink hair is sprawled out over her shoulders, escaping the cage of her pink and purple helmet. Behind her visor the hostile glare of her blue eyes bores into my skin uncomfortably.

My eyes dart to the side mirror in my car as i press down further on the gas, eventually speeding past her into 3rd place. Just behind me in my rear view mirror i see her accelerating, ready to ram into my passenger side. I press down hard on the gas and hold it there as my speed accelerates rapidly. Adrenaline fills my veins as breath suddenly rushes into my lungs. This is the feeling I love. This. This is why I love to race.

"Nihachu goes in for the ram but...OH DREAMS FAST AHEAD CLAIMING 3RD PLACE...and it looks like skeppy got the beat up instead"

The reporters chuckles flows through my ear phones and beats past the loud roars of my engine. I accept the praise proudly, my ego growing by the minute but the only thoughts that rush through my head is the fact that i need to jump up a place to be in level with my one and only competition, Sapnap.

His car is easy to spot as i wiz next to the orange glow, a freshly spray painted flame on the side of his car stealing my attention for a dangerous two seconds. I quickly spin my gaze back to the slippery roads ahead, cursing to myself for getting distracted this close to the end of the race.
I rip 2nd place from Sapnaps hands and I'm smiling like a jerk, acting as if I just won a massive prize.

It's like taking candy from a baby. I look back up to my rear view mirror to see him shaking his head disapprovingly, obviously mad I've got a better chance at winning than him. What a sucker. Sorry sapnap I guess? I think to myself sarcastically.

He's my friend...but we're always up for a little friendly competition. The smile plastered across my face slowly turns into a slight smirk, eyes light up in desire and my hands grip the steering wheel, curling my fingers around it in delight. Although my hands are frozen with raindrops soaking through my gloves no care seems to flush through my brain as I'm too focused on the race. My adrenaline still pumping wildly around my body, flooding my veins.

The heavy black boots I'm wearing still flat down on the gas as the checkered flag comes into view. I ramp up my speed, hoping to steal 1st place from the new racer who has recently been introduced to the track. It's annoying seeing as he is so fucking good, on the same level as me and sapnap...okay maybe I'm sugar-coating that.

He Swerves in between his competitors like a snake, never seen him out of his helmet before though.

The number '444' graffitied in a light blue colour across the back of his ford focus. Almost matching to my number '404' I have on the back of my Mercedes in a bright forest green colour.

My vision gets blocked completely by a massive downpour of rain, it falls over my visor and blinds me for a full three seconds. To some it might not seem like much but on the track it's deemed as life-threatening.

Before i could slam my brake on, his car comes spiralling into mine dramatically. The green bonnet of my car crunches up against the blue of his trunk. The rear side passenger door of his focus was savagely torn free from its bolts and the back two wheels were sent spinning out into the night.

My body shoots forwards, being caught by the tightly strapped harness i have hugging my body. Doing more damage than saving me, all the air in my body rushes out my fingertips. The smell of toxic fuel stinging my nose.

Both of our cars slid along the track before finally bouncing off the fencing that protects the crowds from anything that flies off of the cars.

My head smashes against my steering wheel, i struggle to lift my dewy eyelids as a dagger stabs through the temples of my head. The dark night fades into an ebony black as my thoughts settle and the adrenaline leaks out through my temple along with the hot trail of blood i can feel rolling down past my eyelashes. My neck gives up on me as a familiar voice calls out my name.

(George pov)

I claim 1st place within seconds of the race starting. Running on Adrenalin, it fills the void making me feel alive again. It's fuel, like a drug. It's why I kept racing after the accident I had at my last track. The rain spits at my visor, I swipe my hand across it as quick as I can, no distractions. Especially in this type of weather.

Those exact words flood my brain, flushing out whatever thoughts I had before. My gloveless hands turn a yellowish white as my fingers curl around my steering wheel. My face tightens, focus settles in finally as the winning prize flashes not far from where my vision blurs.

The clouds above spiral into one huge black cloud as the rain turns into a heavy shower. Almost immediately the race become much more serious, drivers at the edge of their seats gripping to their steering wheels. The reporters voice get crammed down into a small mumble as the rain down pours onto my car roof. The metal of my roof making a horrific sound when met with splurges of rain drops.

Gripping it more sturdily, my steering wheel starts spiralling out of control as i feel my wheels loosening by the second. The checkered flag waves around rapidly just a few metres ahead signalling the winning checkpoint that i and the many other people I'm racing against long for so badly.

The Azure blue of my bonnet reflects off the many stadium glowing lights. Shining as bright as a lapis crystal. My brows frown in frustration, my jaw tightening as my teeth grit together in anger. My steering wheel wiggles underneath my grip, desiring a dangerous escape. As if it has a mind of its own my car spins at 60 mph on a track with fifteen other cars speeding towards my direction. The lack of airbags in my car fails me as i find myself spinning into a green Mercedes that has been competing against me. Following close on my tails for at least half a lap now.

Horror flashes through my eyes, my arms reach in-front of my face, adding a layer of protection to my baby blue helmet. Anxiety claws at my throat viciously or maybe it's the painfully polluted air, the thick black smoke hot boxes my tightly fit helmet. It suffocates me as my hands fail to pull it off over my head.

My arms fall limply to my sides as i give up trying and let myself spiral into a sub-conscious trance. It's filled with screams and a bright orange flame that grows ever closer to my face, the heat licking at my blue and black jumpsuit.


•Authors note•


1306 words:0

tysm for reading the first ever chapter sorry if i jumped to the point quickly i'm still at a beginners stage in writing and i am open to any suggestions on my writing as i am still learning how to structure and present!!

THIS IS JUST FOR FUN<3 I hope you enjoyed your first taste of my story:]]

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