"Is who you're writing too a secret?"

"No, i'ts just my Dad," Liv said truthfully, continuing to scribble down. "I don't want him picking me up from the station if it was a full moon last night,"

"Why not?" Dean asked.

"He'll be tired and sore and I don't want to be responsible if the old man pulls a muscle," Liv tutted, folding up the napkin and putting it into her pocket. "Will you come with me to the owlery?"


Liv had spent the rest of the morning solemnly packing her things into her small trunk. She had little plans for the summer and therefore was not pleased to be returning home where she'd be a million miles away from her friends. At least Padma lived close, Liv wouldn't be able to survive the summer if she didn't. The two boarded the train together on the rare occasion they'd find an empty compartment that wouldn't have to be shared with anyone else, and enjoyed the warm sunshine shining through the window of the train.

Liv rested her legs on top of Padma's own as she flicked through an old magazine she'd read a million times - Padma has her nose in a book, but would glance nervously to the door every second or so. Liv slipped her hand into the nervous girls own, receiving a small smile in return. It hadn't calmed Padma the way Liv had hoped, if anything, she would glanced to the door more often now Liv was showing her more attention.

"Will you stop doing that?" Liv begged as it became more annoying, unable to pretend she could bare it any longer.

"I'm sorry," Padma said, but didn't remove her eyes from the empty corridor behind the glass door. "I'm scared someone's going to walk in, you know how quickly rumors fly," She said bluntly.

"That's such bullshit!" Liv insisted, laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. "I'm only holding your hand,"

"Its not bullshit, I keep telling you we can't be doing this in public," Padma said sternly.

"I'm starting to feel like you're ashamed of our relationship,"

"Don't be silly. I only say it because I care about you. You don't understand what we'd have to go through if people found out about this," she shook their enclosed hands violently in the air to prove her point. "That's because you're in your own little fantasy world where it's all fairies and butterfly's and apparently homophobia doesn't exist,"

"Merlin, if it's such a big deal I'll move!" Liv rolled her eyes and lifted her legs, but Padma rushed forward and pull them back where they'd been laying before, placing a firm hand down to stop her moving.

"No, no, stay!" She ushered quickly. "You're right, I need to loosen up,"

"You do," Liv agreed and scuffled closer, giving the girl a soft kiss on the lips.

There was a sudden movement outside the door that made Padma ignite in panic as if they were in the middle of doing something criminal. Liv was offended by her sudden pulling away, and even more so when she'd pushed her legs away harshly so she could stand up - which had only made them look more suspicious when Padma's sister, Parvati, walked in.

It was as the colour had left Parvatis face. She gaped at them, frozen in her stead, flickering glares between the two girls. It was absurd to think Parvati would actually care about the innocence of a kiss, but the encounter was beginning to prove that maybe she did.

Padma, full of panic, faked a smile in hopes to ease this awkwardness. "Hiya, Parvati," she welcomed her calmly, masking her unease perfectly, though she still looked a flustered mess. Liv stayed unbothered by the whole affair. She still hadn't sensed the roaring tension between the sisters.

Good Girl Gone Bad  [LIV BLACK]Where stories live. Discover now