Final Goodbye

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[Keon's POV]

I know she's doing all this because of Amina and to get back with me but damn. I already don't want to say the wrong thing and honestly i don't know what to say. "What's the favor?" i said looking at her confused. As long as she ain't asking for money i don't give fuck what it is. I hate broke hoes. "Every time you come over we have to have sex" she said moving into my lap. Sex is nothing especially since i don't feel no way towards her now. I shook my head in response and well you know what happened next.


I just left Diamond house a couple minutes ago and now i'm on my way to get Amina something to eat. I didn't plan on being out this late anyways especially since i knew she hasn't ate yet. But normally she'd text me or call me and she hasn't so maybe she's sleep. I went to Taco Bell to get her something to eat because i was getting sick of the Chinese smell. When i left Taco Bell i kept thinking about how deep i keep digging myself in a hole. I didn't feel like it was my place to tell Amina but she does sleep in my bed right next to me every night. But i feel like she'd hate me. So maybe now isn't the right time to say something.

I pulled into the driveway and parked the car. I got out the car and grabbed her food. While walking towards the front door I heard some gunshots down the street. I ducked and ran inside locking the door behind me. Ryan walked over to me sayin "Your finally back. I already got her something to eat" I looked at him confused; like nigga you could've called and told me she was hungry. I laughed at his response. I can definitely tell you that Ryan on thin ice with me right about now.

I walked up stairs and went into my room. "I didn't mean to take that long" I said looking at Amina while she ate that nasty ass Chinese food. "It's okay i meant to call" she replied. I sat the food bag on the dresser and walked over to the bed. I sat down beside her and laid back. "I really miss school Keon" she said looking at me. I really like how Amina has her shit together and actually enjoys learning. I smiled and replied "Tomorrow we can see if you can do online classes until your body heals". "Okay thank you" she said while turning back towards the tv. As i laid back i kept deciding whether or not i should tell her.

I decided not to though. I'm just not ready for what will come with it. She turned our show on and of course a couple episodes through she fell asleep. I grabbed the remote and turned the tv off. I couldn't sleep so i figured i'd go smoke. I got off the bed and turned the lights off. I walked out the room closing the door behind me gently. As i was walking downstairs i heard Ryan cussing loud on the phone. I walked into the kitchen and he hurried and hung up. "Who you was talking to ?" i asked him. He looked at me in frustration and said "Someone going around telling what happened". Instantly i thought of Diamond being that person. "I told you to handle that bitch" he said. "I don't take orders from you nigga" I said walking out the house livid. I got in my car and rolled a backwood. I couldn't even think straight. I would've at least thought she would have kept her word.

*4 days later*

Normally after i do something that involves someone getting hurt or killed i stay out the way for a little. But i can't clearly, since i have to satisfy Diamond and yes i'm definitely using condoms on that crazy mf. But today was different; it's my mothers funeral. We kept pushing it back so we could handle business first. I really wasn't ready for today. So much bullshit been going on my mind hasn't even been on a funeral. My mother planed her funeral out before she died right along with her will. In her will she gave me her old house and car. And we gave Ryan her money. I was satisfied with what she gave me because i wasn't gone use that old ass bmw anyways. I'm most likely just going to sell it. This morning me, Ryan and Amina woke up early so we could meet the rest of our family at church. Amina insisted on coming since she knew today would be hard for me.

On our way to the church the ride was silent. When we walked into the church we were greeted by the pastor and ushers. They walked us to our seats and we sat down. The service started a couple minutes after. The church was packed especially with people who talked down on my mother but i know she made a big impact on everyone else's life. They even sung her favorite song "Heavenly Choir" by The Canton Spirituals. I'm not gone lie i teared up a little when they sung that song. I remember she stayed playing it on the radio whenever she cooked, cleaned or even drove. It was time for me and Ryan to say our last goodbyes and of course he went first. I didn't even come up with anything i was just going to speak from the heart and whatever came to my mind i would say. So about 15 minutes after they let people walk by to view her body. Me and Ryan didn't go to the funeral home to see her so Amina talked us into seeing her one last time. The family got up and walked in line to view her. My hands got sweaty as hell and Amina grabbed my hand which gave me relief. When we finally got up to her casket tears ran down my face. Ryan tried to grab her hand and i grabbed him and we walked outside to the hearse. Ryan got in and I stood outside watching them carry her body to the back of the car. Amina hugged me and kept telling me she was here for me. She whipped my face and i looked at her. I was so thankful she was there. Losing a mother is the hardest thing ever and i wouldn't wish that on anybody. "Keon" i heard a voice say in the crowd. When i looked up i seen it was Diamond.

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