Chapter 2

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Caleb had gone into the room upstairs as he had seen how the brunette girl was still fast asleep instantly smiling. He remembers when he had read about the article that was published back in the newspaper when it had taken place. He had thought that the young 15 year old had gone through so much at a young age and now it is 2 years later and the pain was still clear in her eyes and life.

"Stalking much?" Ella asked as she came closer to her brother.

"Isn't today her birthday? The accident happened during the morning hours of her birthday," Caleb said as Ella had nodded.

"Yeah, it is. My best friend is 17 today. But you also have to think about everything else than have happened. I spoke with Lydia Montgomery. She's fine with Aria staying here for awhile. I'll speak to the principal as well. He'll understand that she is off with her parents anniversary here. How do you know about the accident and all the fine details?" Ella asked.

"Read about it when it happened. A newspaper is never unwelcome in this house. You know that. Go to school. I'll deal with this," Caleb said as his sister had gone out of the house.

Heading down the stairs, Caleb had seen as Noah was still not up as he had quickly made coffee and eventually saw his brother.

"Why do you seriously wake up 3 minutes before you have to leave for college?" Caleb asked as he saw how Noah grabbed what he needed.

"Alarm didn't go off. Ella gone?" Noah asked.

"Yes, off you go. We'll talk tonight," Caleb said as Noah rushed off.

"Drive safe!" Caleb said as he shook his head.

After his parents had died years ago, he had taken full custody of his siblings. Ella was pretty easy going with middle and high school, but Caleb always had struggles to get Noah on his feet and out of the door on time. And if was never a good thing to argue with his brother. Pouring coffee into a mug, Caleb made his way up the stairs.

Aria had groaned as she was busy waking up and she felt as the sunlight was coming in through the window. She smiled as she had survived another day. Marking 2 years, she didn't know if she wanted to do anything for her birthday but she had known that she wasn't the same girl that she once was.

"Morning," Caleb said as he came into the room and Aria sat up.

"Morning. Thank you," Aria said as she took the mug into her hands.

"How you feeling?" Caleb asked as he sat down next to Aria, on the bed.

"A little idiotic. I can't believe I did that last night. My emotions have been perfectly under control over the last few years. Guess last night was just too much. Thank you. You saved me," Aria said.

"Thank Ella rather. She dragged me out there. Don't feel bad about it. You had an off night and it didn't help that it was so close to your parents death anniversary. Rather come and talk to someone next time instead of almost jumping off a bridge," Caleb said as Aria had nodded.

"I will," Aria said.

"You don't have to go to school today. I'll call the principal later today. Just take the day off. Won't cause any harm," Caleb said as Aria nodded.

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