| XXII - Travels Home |

Start from the beginning

"What?" His anger leaves my head. A heavy weight of nothing comes over the car.

"Fuck. I didn't mean to say it like that." I pinch the bridge of my nose trying to figure out the best way to go from here, "I don't know exactly when it happened, or even how with all the chaos between us, but now I know that with everything. Even the kidnapping and forced marking, that I love you Ares Gray. With James all I felt was fear, complete terror. With every other man I felt nothing. However, with you I feel like I could take on the world. I trust you. No matter what happened with James I knew that you had me, and I want to be there for you. I want to be your Luna. Before that I want..."

The car pulls into an abandoned parking lot. I flatten my lips trying to figure out where we are. Ares turns to me, an amazed look coming over his features, "I love you, Veronica."

I roll my eyes grabbing at his shirt, "I didn't like fighting with you."

"I can't say the same. It finally got some truth out of you." He leans in pecking my lips.

"Next time just spank me." The alpha gave me a growl of approval in return dragging me to the back seat of the SUV. And for the first time in a long time, I let myself enjoy his loving touch. The rest of the car ride for the day was filled with conversation about us. I told him stories of my childhood, dreams, and everything in-between. He shared many things as well and told me his mother was going to rip him a new one if we didn't meet soon.

"And you own an entire street?"

"Oh twelfth? Yes. That is pack street. All the pack mates try to work the same strip of malls, it allows for easier trading and business support. As well, my pack doesn't enjoy the humans as much as they should, so they choose to keep to themselves as much as possible."

"You realize how crazy that sounds. And I haven't really met these people. Simply ran into them with Jess whenever we were trying out coffee."

Ares laughs to himself looking over to me as we pull into a nicer hotel, "It will be entertaining for you me to watch you realize how much the wolves run within this country. And any country. Humans are oblivious to the true power we hold against them."

I cock my head to the side trying to figure out what he's insinuating, "And why is that?"

"Have you realized yet that the rich are mostly wolves, and we control the banks, government, and most forms of farming or trade? Wolves hold the keys to the worlds survival, and yet you all believe that you're the apex species."

He exits the car walking around quickly to open my door. I exit as graceful as I can trying to seem like I deserve to stand next to this god of a man, "Are you planning on ruling the world one day or something?" I joke.

Ares raises a brow with a smirk coming over him, "Don't we already love. Now come on, we need to get you rested and fed. "The valet with hotel service grabs the car and bags for us. Ares keeps a tight hold of my hand leading me into the lobby. His face turns into an emotionless void when we approach the desk, "Room for two."

The attendant peaks over to me, her face scrunching in disgust, "We have two rooms available. I can get you both your cards."

I give a large, annoyed, smile, "Just the one room is fine."

She peeks over to Ares, her smile becomes soft, pleasant, "Are you sure about that sir?"

"One room." He keeps a cold face, dropping his card on the table, "And let me speak to Jeremy. Tell him its Ares. Now go before I head up there myself." She rushes off like a dog with their tail tucked between their legs. I know his looks can get him some perks, but that was a little uncalled for.

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