Twilight: Chapter 1

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Amir was just having a normal day relaxing with his mother name Mina. They are watching television together spending mother and son time. He usually hangs out in his room but decided to spend time with her today.

"We need to move to forks, Washington" Mina said sitting on a couch facing him holding his hand.

"Why must we move mother? Did something happen?" Amir asked confused onto why his mother want him to move.

"No, you done nothing wrong. I actually got a call from someone I been dating for 1 year now. He said he wouldn't mind us moving to forks, Washington to live with him knowing that this neighborhood is bad to live in" she said letting go of his hand to grab her mug filled with tea. She took a couple sips from it.

It's true. The neighborhood houses keep getting broken into. The cars keep having broken windows. There is cameras there to caught the thief's, but they always find a way around it. When he used to go to high school, there was gangs there in high school. Some of them wanted to invite him into the gang because he was popular and have muscles. Amir was gaining muscles from lifting weights at high school. He was also very Athletic.

"I understand we need somewhere more safe to live at. Who is the guy you been seeing? You haven't told me about him" Amir asked leaning back into the couch fixing his white shirt putting half his hair up in a pony tail and leaving the rest down.

"His name is Charlie, he have a daughter name Bella. He is a police officer in forks. You will meet him soon" she said smiling thinking of him. Amir can tell by the way she is saying his name that she is in love with him.

"Alright, but what will we do with most of our stuff?"

"We pack it up of course. We can leave the Funiture here with the house for the new homeowners. Someone already buy this house" she said drinking more of her tea. "Remember the random people I said are visiting the house? Those are the buyers, Jack and Mill"

"Oh yea I remember them. When do we pack?"

"We pack today actually. We leave tomorrow" she said placing her empty mug down and standing up. She walks around the couch. Opening a door that contain some boxes she got earlier. She pull it out along with some tape. "Let's get to it"

Amir stands up grabbing 2 boxes walking to his room. He starts to pack up most of his things. Drawings he like to draw along with his notepad he writes in sometimes. He pack most of the stuff around the room along with his clothes. It took a hour, but he got it done. Taping it close. Amir walks past his mom room seeing his mom packing up.

He grab the rest of the boxes and help his mom pack up the picture frames and stuff his mom wants to come with them. Eventually, they was done packing. His mother sighs and flops on the couch next to Amir tired from all the packing they done.

"I hate packing. Thank you for helping me with the house. It would have taken longer if you weren't helping" she said grabbing the tv remote and turning it on to watch judge Judy.

"No problem. I may be 22 and living with you, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't help you around the house" he said pulling out his phone. Amir starts looking at his Instagram seeing too many people following him and trying to message him. He ignores it and scroll down Instagram. Amir's mom looks over and seeing the messages icon.

"Why are you ignoring them? Do you not want a girlfriend?" She said looking back at the tv. He rolls his eyes laughing.

"Why you want me to have a girlfriend so bad?"

"Sorry to admit this to you, but you are lonely and well if you have a girlfriend. You will be more out of this house" she said shrugging.

"Already trying to get rid of me?" He said looking at her. She laughs and shakes her head.

"No, is that all you hear from what I said?"

"I heard what you said, but I am fine mom. Just relaxing with you. You are a good company to be around" he said shutting off his phone and putting it in his pocket.

"I know you don't want to admit your feelings, but I can tell sometimes you get lonely. I am your mother Afterall. I notice things before you notice them"

"True, but I can assure you. I'm fine mom" he said to her while watching judge Judy.

"Alright alright. Just saying" she said smiling. The rest of the day they spend time together joking around and watching tv shows. Amir really do enjoy spending time with his mom. She is like his best friend. He tells her everything and she listen to what he is saying.

After dinner, they start heading to bed in their beds. Amir brushed his teeth and took off his shirt. He sees a mark on his abs, remembering the time that happen. Amir shrugs it off turning off the lights and flops on the bed getting under covers. He starts to think what's going to happen when he meets Charlie.

His mom speaks of him very respectfully and sweet in a sense. He sounds like a good guy for his mom. Hopefully, in person that shows because he does not want his mom to be heart broken...

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