Chapter Twenty-Two

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Derek and Hallie move around you, taking turns filming you with the camera. Billy lays down on the floor, clutching his bleeding stomach while Stu attempts to stop the profuse bleeding. "We met on the internet," Derek says.

"He sent me the cutest E-mail."

"I read her postings on the horror movie chat boards and fell hopelessly. Hook, line..."

"We have our own website now. We dedicated a whole page for you. We have one for Sid, too."

"You'd be amazed at how many of us there are out there. It's a whole world, Y/N. You're really popular amongst the demented," Derek says, smirking evilly. 

"You're the one that got away."

"Until now."

"You guys are fucked," Cotton exclaims, wincing painfully.

"Actually Cotton," Hallie says, "and I think critics would agree, it's the other way around."

"Poor Cotton, could life be a little more cruel?"

"You're not going to get away with this!" you shout. You blood boils under your skin and sweat trickles down your forehead. Derek killed Randy. He killed your best friend of eighteen years and you wasn't going to let him get away with it this easily.

"Of course not, Y/N. Who wants to? What's the point if we don't get caught? Where's the glamour in that?" Hallie asks rhetorically.

"The way I see it, we'll be arrested, go to prison, cash in on the home footage, secure a book deal. If all goes as planned, our trial should coincide with the release of Stab 2." Derek keeps going. He notices you welling up and he smirks.

"A verdict and premiere all on the same day. I love it."

"We're hoping for the death penalty. I have this whole Dead Man Walking swan song exit planned."

"And now, drum roll please..." Hallie replies dramatically.

"Hope you're ready, Y/N. We got one last surprise for you."

Cotton pulls and twists on his bound wrists. You had managed to loosen them somewhat. He tries to finish undoing them. You can hear him squirming relentlessly. 

"A twist ending if you will," Hallie smiles.

"Yeah, we really had our work cut out for us. It really is the curse of the sequel. The Billy/Stu thing have been done. I knew they were alive. I could tell by you're stubbornness and you're patheticness all the time. When people mentioned Billy and Stu, you went suspiciously quiet."

".... so we had to be different but yet the same because if you venture to far away from your original story you completely alienate the audience..."

"And we didn't want to do that, Y/N. We wanted to give you your money's worth."

"So we found a compromise."

"Or it found us." Derek tilts his head to the side.

"We have a surprise guest star waiting in the wings."

"Just for you, Y/N."

"Wait a sec, Derek. We forgot to flip."

Derek reaches in his pocket for a coin. "Oh, yeah." He then turns to you. "We figure the one of us that actually kills you will get a little more press. It's been an ongoing discussion."

He turns to Hallie. "Heads or tails?"


He flips the coin and it lands on tails. "Shit! You win."

Forever Yours (Billy Loomis X Reader) Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now