Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Long chapter!!

A room of the library is sectioned off exclusively for computer use. It consists of thirty to forty cubicles that house computer terminals. Every cubicle is full and the place is packed. You and Sid sit at a terminal busy at work. Both of your two police guards wander up and down the cubicles keeping an eye out.

Your face is puffy and red from crying. Earlier, you went back to your dormitory to put as much makeup on as you could so your eyes and cheeks weren't visible. You type on your computer feverishly, glancing at the police guards occasionally. Sidney's face appears concentrated, focused. She scans the computer screen in front of her. 

Suddenly, your computer starts flashing and beeping. You try to make it stop and it won't. You lean back, turning to the guy next to you. 

"Excuse me, did your computer just freeze?" 

The guy leans over and takes a look at your monitor. "You have an instant message, that's all. Just hit ALT M."

"I'm not signed on," you say, your eyes glistening.

"All the terminals are connected." He returns to his own computer. You eye the screen suspiciously. You hit ALT + M and a message pops up on your screen. 


A muffled cry erupts from your throat. You stand up, looking around the crowded room. "Y/N? Y/N?" Sidney says, "are you okay?" You try to speak but all that comes out is something incoherent. You shake your head.

The two guards take notice and they rush over to you. "He's here. He's in the room right now!" you exclaim. You point to the screen, your finger trembling. The guards instantly break up and search the room. They start pulling people from the terminals to check their screens.

You back away from the screen, your terror growing. Suddenly, it starts flashing and beeping again. You look around before moving towards it, drawn uncontrollably. You hit ALT + M and another message pops up:


Your face is stone pale. You take a deep breath and begin to type. The words 'FUCK YOU' appear and you hit 'Send.' Sidney looks at you questioningly.

"Are you okay, Y/N?"

"The ki-killer.. he sent me messages."

There was no possible way the killer could be in the same room as you. The guards did a test on every student before they could enter. But the only thing you knew is that the killer was somehow here, watching you.


In a private office at Campus Security Station, Captain Tyler and Sheriff Hartley are drilling a very subdued and cool Cotton Weary. "What better alibi could I have? I was here in custody."

"Maybe you don't work alone," Captain Tyler replies.

"Yeah, that's it."

"Why did you attack Sidney Prescott?" Sheriff Hartley asks.

"There was no attack, we were talking. Very heatedly. Miss Prescott and I have a very complicated past. That's no crime."

"And the gun?"

"I have a permit. It's registered. I have a legal right to carry it."

"Why do you need a gun?" Harltey asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Gentleman, your growing hysteria is not reason enough to hold me here. I've been down this road before. And unless you're going to charge me with a crime I'd like to walk outta here. I have an interview at 6:00."

Forever Yours (Billy Loomis X Reader) Book TwoKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat