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A twig snapped underfoot, the sound audibly echoing the dark, picturesque night. Two male shadowed figures tiptoed behind a tall tree. The moon illuminated Windsor college brightly. The college was barely visible in the dark. The only light visible was a few lights that were dimly lit in the dormitories that belonged to college students. The college was tall and made out of bricks that loomed over them and the trees. Your dormitory was the fifth floor, eighth window across. Your light was off. The figures assumed you were asleep with your roommate. The two, indistinguishable figures looked into the night when they spotted something... someone. 


 They spotted you. They finally had found you. Two years of searching and calling and they finally accomplished. 

You sat on a single bench, a book in hand. You had a little torch next to you as you read tiredly. Your eyes struggled to stay open but you did your best to stay awake.

The tallest figure with lanky legs whispered to the shorter one. "Please, can we-"

"Quiet! Be patient. She can't see us," the smaller one hissed venomously. He took a small step forward and a twig snapped loudly beneath his feet. You snapped your head up and looked around. After finding nothing, you shrugged your shoulders and continued reading. Owls hooted and crickets chirped around you. 

The taller figure groaned and whined stupidly and jumped up and down restlessly. 

The shorter figure slapped the taller figure across the head aggressively. The taller figure instantaneously stopped. The shorter figure wanted nothing but to speak to you, hug you, touch you. You were his girl. And he was yours. But despite these irresistible urges, he couldn't reveal himself to you yet. He had to wait. 

"It's been two years, Billy!" the taller figure whispered. The taller figure appeared to be Stu. Stu Macher, your best friend who revealed himself to be a killer and Billy's lanky sidekick. He resisted the urge to run out from his hiding spot and scoop you up into his arms, hugging you tightly. But, he wouldn't dare break any of Billy's rules. 

"Does it matter? We've got to wait. We can't show up unexpectedly," Billy whispered exasperatedly. 

Stu kicked the ground stroppily and leaves flew about. "But you promised her, Billy! She probably thinks you're dead."

"What don't you understand about 'not yet?' It's not time, Stu!"

Stu whined quietly. Billy's dark eyes whipped around to glare at Stu evilly. Ubeknownst to the duo, they were whispering rather loudly but you didn't seem to notice. You were too indulged in your book. You blatantly ignored any noises and movement that surrounded you.

The street lamp a few metres away flickered off, the entire outside now a pitch black apart from the little torch that led beside you. 

Billy looked at you and his eyes widened. You looked ever more prettier since the last time he saw you (two years ago.) Your silky H/C hair was a few inches longer, your E/C eyes seemed brighter, your smile was wider, your soft cheeks were rosier. Everything about you was beautiful. "She... she looks... amazing," Billy whispered, dumbfounded.

"Damn right."

Suddenly, in an unexpected moment, you closed your book and stood up off of the bench. You picked up the torch that was beside you and you walked towards the college sluggishly. You were tired and your eyes had a dark bags around them. It had been a tiring day for you and you just wanted to sleep. Reading in the dark made you sleepy. 

After weeks of watching your every move, the boys knew your schedule fluently. They knew when you'd wake up, where you'd go, what lessons you had, what time you'd go to bed. They knew everything. You'd lie in bed, gazing up at the ceiling and wondering if they'd ever return. Your hopes were always up about it.

Billy and Stu watched as you entered the huge, abundance doors and disappearing inside. They could no longer see you. 

"No! Where'd she go?" Stu whined.

"To bed, dipshit. Where else?" Billy said louder this time as you were not around. 

"Why do you always have to snap back at me for everything? It was a question."

Billy rolled his eyes and didn't respond. 

"How much longer do we have to wait?" Stu asked, yawning between words.

"Not long. Not long, Stu," Billy sighed. He watched as your dormitory light flicked off and you were no longer visible. 

Forever Yours (Billy Loomis X Reader) Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now