Acceptance: the original

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Acceptance (side shitty version)

An anomaly.

A freak.

A disgrace.



A slave.

A loser.

A paedophile.

A leecher.

Shen Qing Qiu has heard such insults all his life; sometimes, they are more vicious than these. Many rumours about him have painted him as some demon who doesn't deserve to live.

They think that they are being discreet.

They think that he does not know anything because he hasn't reacted at all.

They think that the rumours are true because he tried to clarified them once.

They think that they are allowed to insult him and call him names because he is in a higher position than the rest of them.

They think that he is a haughty nobleman who hates all those who are of a lower status than him.

But the truth is that he knows what those silent hostile stares want to say, he knows how much his fellow peak lords hate him, he knows how no one in this whole sect is willing to trust him completely. It's kinda ironic since he is supposed to be the head strategist of the sect.

He has heard all sorts of insults aimed at him.

He always thought that no matter what lies ahead, he would be able to face it.

He believed that all he needed was to find his soulmate.


What a beautiful notion.

It refers to the person who is supposed to be the other half of your soul, the person who completes you, a person specially made for you.

It is said that everyone has one.

Soulmates are identified through soul marks.

Soul marks are special characters that appear on the body at the age of 18.

When he first came to know about these soul marks, he could not wait to turn 18 and finally find his special someone.

He sincerely hoped that his soulmate would be able to understand him better than anyone else and perhaps they would save him from his sufferings.

But It seems like god hates him and that fates hold a special grudge with him because he never got a soul mark; his 18th birthday came and went but the soul mark never appeared.

He still foolishly hoped that maybe he was a late bloomer, after all, there were many people whose soul marks appeared after the age of 20.

He saw the joy on his fellow disciples' faces when they received their soul mark.

Some had a shadow on their body, marking the place at which their soulmate would touch them for the first time.

Some had different swirls of colours in their eyes until they met their soulmate, then the swirls would condense into a single colour, unique to the pair.

Some were able to communicate with their soulmate via writing on their skin, as whatever they wrote there would appear on their soulmate's skin.

Some had the first words that their soulmate said to them, written on some part of their body.

Some shared pain.

Some shared marks.

Some could see a red string tied to their ankle, that would lead them to their soulmate.

Some had a peculiar drawing etched on their wrist which is originally white but slowly turns black as the "will to live" of their soulmate decreases.

Shen Qing Qiu has seen all types of soul marks.

He has seen the pure joy on people's faces when they find their soulmate or when they first identify their soulmate.

He has witnessed this joy.

First, when his fellow disciples got their soul marks and later when his students got their soul marks.

He wanted to feel this joy too, he too wanted to be excited to meet his other half but he never got the chance.

With time, he let go of the hope that he will ever meet his soulmate.

People say that only the heartless ones don't have a soulmate.

And so, Shen Qing Qiu accepted that he doesn't have a heart or feelings.

He learnt to suppress all the parts that made him human.

A/n: I don't think anyone will even read this anymore but I think I still owe an explanation. The thing is that I kinda drifted apart from this fandom for a while but now, I'm back and I will be rewriting this whole thing to make the flow a bit better.

Also, this chapter had nothing to do with the plot, it was what my original idea of this story was gonna be. This is the one shot that I wrote way back when I started with this fic.

Originally, I was never going to write or post this fic but some friends encouraged me to do so and now, it has become my most cherished work.

I hope to see you guys again in the re write. There will be some major changes in the chapters so, I advice you to read it again from the start and if you want the original version to keep with you, you can contact me on discord in our Liujiu server 

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