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Authors note 

This may be a little confusing as if boruto switches from two different personalities. To be honest, that's what I want. One minute he's fine, and The next he's broken.

Boruto's pov

I must look ridiculous to the eyes outside of my body. Twitching and Shuddering in my own seat. It would be perfectly understandable if I was afraid of flying, but unfortunately, that's not the case.

Instead of my usual, confident and cocky grin, I had a distant and gloomy expression. Even With my supporting brother and girlfriend, I just couldn't shake it away.

Even In these first-class seats, I still felt cramped. still felt Paranoid. Looking to the right of me, I saw Sarada in the seat next to me. 

She's such a wonderful girl. She never once seemed to care about the line of work I deal in. She never seemed to care about the Consequence when you have a guy like me as a company.

she's seen firsthand what my business does. Feeling my insecurities bubble, I decided to take a little trip to the Airplane bathroom. 

I undid my seatbelt and steadily got up. I made my way to the bathroom, to take the second pill of the morning,

This thing's become less of a pleasure and more of a necessity these days. 

Walking past Nico and Val, I give them Acknowledgement with a smile and wave. I enter the bathroom and shut the door.
Locking the door, I stand in the corner and pull out my vape and pills. 

Looking at the orange vape, it reads mango ice. I look at it softly. " It always was that fucker's favorite flavor''.
I look up at the ceiling and see the smoke alarm. " sigh", " it looks like I have to zero this shit" I said.

Putting the vape in my mouth, I inhale the Mango flavored vapor and keep it in my lungs.
Unscrewing the lid of my "prescription" bottle, I take one of the last remaining pills. 

Repeating the process of inhaling the vapor, My numb lips taste the flavoring.

The only thing I feel is the vape burning my lips, but even that sensation slowly starts to fade.

My brian feeling the nicotine and ecstasy, Feels a little woozy. 
" Must be the air pressure or some shit " I said. Inhaling the mango-flavored smoke, I decided I should head back.

I flush the toilet and run the tap, and after a few seconds of the tap running, I decide to leave the room. Walking immediately proves to be a bitch. 

Ever taken twice the ecstasy on ground level and struggled? Quick suggestion. Pick your time and place to get high. Unless your me.

It just helps the Cripiling Anxiety and paranoia. As I walk back to my seat, I see Sarada is awake. She gives me that mood-lifting smile.

I return it with my own smile. I sit down and greet her with a quick peek on the lips. Deciding to me " greet " me back, she holds my hand. 

" Switched lip balm I see," Sarada said. Me, knowing it's the vape go along with it . " yeah, Just happened to pick it up ya know " I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

She seems happy . " are you excited that you're visiting America for the first time? " I asked.

Sarada, Being Sarada, went on about the things she wanted to experience and the things she wanted to try. Me, being me, couldn't look away.

fiddling with her fingers, she stutters something out. " Do you think you're dad would like me, given the circumstances and everything " She murmured.

Given the circumstances, I'm guessing, Means the fact that he's not far from his deathbed. The man, My father, My real father, Who showed me what it means to be a man, To have a family, who would sacrifice everything, A once strong man, Now no stronger than the average man, Due to a fucking disease.

Even all doped up, I can still think about these things. 
" Given any circumstances, I think he'd love you," I said with a smile on my face.

I look at her with a little cheeky smile. " And between those two Dicks and my dad, I Bet you're gonna hear a shit tone of stories," I said with a tone of humor in my voice.

all she could do is chuckle and mutter " I hope so".

The Airport 

Fucking finally that plane landed. It was 12 hours and I barely slept. To be fair, Other activities could have made it hard to sleep.

Val and Nico walked behind, while boruto and Sarada held hands. Nico and Val, like usual were chatting shit. Sarada wondered how Nico was in charge of the two younger siblings when in reality He was just as mature as them.

After grabbing their bags The group of four made their way outside.

Nico got a call, the phone in his pocket. He looked at the phone and suddenly switched from Joking to serious. He looked at boruto and Val, edging them to come closer as he put the phone on speaker.

The voice coming out of the speaker sounded weak. He sounded like a serious businessman, but also a loving family man.

Com'è andato il tuo volo ?  ( how was your fligth )

È stato un buon padre, stai bene? ( It was good father, are you keeping well ?)

Debole ma forte il mio Nino. Venite a trovarmi e possiamo discutere delle cose. ( weak but strong my nino. Visit me and we can discuss things )

Farà papà. Cerca solo di non romperti la schiena prima che arriviamo lì ( Will do-dad. Just try not to break your back before we get there ) 

he seemed to laugh as he said that. I wouldn't have guessed his dad would tolerate that type of behavior. Then to my surprise, he answered right back in his own cheeky tone.

Stai zitto, stronzo. fallo a casa. ( Shut up you jerk off. just make it home already ) 

 Boruto cracked it laughing, and Val soon followed. " Out of ALL the words to describe you, Nicky, He picks the one Activity that you CONSISTENTLY do, Said boruto with a tear in his eye.

Val laughed even harder while Sarada was holding back her laughter. 

Nicky hung up the phone and just gave the two an " STFU" look.
Likes like all four of them will meet the Romano family head.


hope you all liked it. I but I've been busy. today's chapter was a little more light-hearted.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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