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First of all I wanna apologise for the late updates but it's exam time so gotta study ( as if I would tho) so I don't have the time to write these constantly .
So comment what you think or ms me like people do ( its weird leave a comment guys) .

And sorry about grammar and punctuation but I'm terrible at it .

Sarada p.o.v

I hate seeing boruto sad. I'm fact I've never seen him sad. I've seen him angry , worried , happy but never sad . So it really worries me when I saw him crying .

I look at him. Neither of us are wearing anything . Our skin is exsposed to each other .  I look at him and see the tears in his eyes . He kept repeating the name  Kawaki. I Cant stand it anymore and try to wake him .

"Boruto-kun wake up" . He wakes up and looks at me .

" Boruto what's wrong , your crying.  Tell me what's wrong .

Boruto looks at me ." I don't really want to talk about rigth now Sarada-chan. wait till we get to America and ill show. For now lets just get some sleep".

He just lays down and sleeps next to me.  He goes to sleep . It seems to have died down , but I can tell he is still having nightmares

Still Sarada pov

I wake up to find boruto missing . I look around the room and he isint there .
Currently were in My dorm . So I get up get dressed and walk into the kitchen to find boruto cooking breakfast. I look at him and try my best to hide a luagh . Boruto is in his boxers singing along to italian opera music. Its adorable.

I carefully tiptoe towards him making sure my footsteps are ligth. I tap him on the shoulder and he turns around and pins me.

He soon realises who he pinned and helps me back up.

" sorry Sarada it's the instincts ya know". He gives me an apologetic grin.

I get over my surprise . " I mean you made breakfast so I can't be mad". His eyes gravitate towards his feet. He mumbles something under his breath.
" can you say that again I can't hear you when you mumble " I said.

"Jeez what are you my mother" as soon as he said that I softly hit  his chest. 
" well if you didn't mumble I wouldn't have to be ".

He looks again and says something in a quite tone. " it's the least I could do after last nigth". His face has a look of sorrow.

There's a ten second silence between the two of us.

I gently touch his face . " im here to talk if you want to". His face winces . "
" There just nightmares sarada, My problems are my burden to deal with not youre's".

I'm slightly hurt that he can't share this with me. but when I look at his face I can tell he's hurting more then he let's on.

"I understand " I said. He smiled and kisses my nose .

" let's eat huh breakfast is just about ready".  Boruto smiles.  He sets aside a plate for me on the counter. It was pancakes and french toast.

I notice he only set aside one plate.
" aren't you eating boruto" . Boruto gives me a checky smile.  " Nah it's my turn to let you eat" he said . " but maybe you can let me eat something else later on".

Boruto pov

After saying goodbye to Sarada I make my way to my own dorm which is roughly a 15 minute walk. As I'm walking a sinister voice comes into my head.

"Boruto" . I look around to see if someone called me but the park I'm walking through is clear. I shake it off and continue to walk.

"Boruto" the voice called . It's voice geting louder.  My name kept bring called over and over till me head started to hurt.

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