chapter.7 gang gang

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Today is the day we make our first move with tenjuku.
We need to take control of them. Us captains will take 4 divisions consisting of 300 men.

Our goal is to get each pony ( a man who owns the property but only on paper) and make him sign the name over in our fathers name.

Once we take over the place were gonna need to try and  convince as many as we can to join us.


its finally time to do something.   No more of this scouting stuff it's time shoot someone.  I guess you could say I'm the most gun-ho out of all of us.  Boruto does what he has to do , but he's not scared to shoot , not since what happened with his eye.

Nicky like to use a knife which is good with me since he uses it like a fuckin ninja.

We all meet up at the bar. I see Nicky,  boru and Angelo with there division.

I raise my voice and say " 3rd division follow me ".

Everyone follows me to the stage .
" Ok here's how it's gonna work". " each of our divisions are seizing property and stock.  "We're taking the shibuya golden dragon hotel".

" if we finish we go split and help the others " .

" am I understood".


man I love Japan.


It's time to do the job . I'm leading my division to the Tokyo casino.  It's secretly one of tenjukus main money makers.

We jump into our cars . I grab my colt .I  drive with a whole Line of cars going in our direction . We reach the front door. Every single one of our men has firearms concealed on him. There's roughly 600 hundred people here.
A group of 30 goes every 3 minutes .

Once I'm in we do the signal. All hell  breaks lose. Gunshots hail through the air and the sound of fighting can be heard . I run and make my way to the head office on the 10th floor.

4 guards are waiting at the door . I keep a corner and shot one in the chest. I run   and roll as to avoid gunshots. The second guy tries to shot me at close range but I kick the gun out of his hand do a roundhouse kick to his face. Two guards charge at me . The both try to punch me but I dodge with ease. I shot the first in the leg bringing him to his knees. I kick him in the face so hard he blacks out. The other runs off but I shoot him in the leg . He falls on the ground .

I grab him by the hair and say " keys please ".

He passes out and I say " fuck it " and kick the door down.

I see the man I'm looking for.
hairo sumo. Hes hiding behind his desk looking as if he's shiting literal bricks. 

I go towards him and say " your gonna sign this paper". " if you don't I'll shot you over and over again".

He just nodes and signs it . " your gonna come with me downstairs and stop this fighting".

We walk and I yell " stop or I shot your boss". The tenjuku stop .  " as of today your apart of the Romano family". " we treat our family like family ". " and if you mess with my family , I'll mess with yours".

Chanting is heard from my division. I go and see a wounded tenjuku. I help him and bandage him .

These people weren't treated like family.  That's why their gonna work for mine .


Val p.o.v

Today was a good score . 4 main locations and many sub locations all handed over and singed off in the name of my pa.

We had 15 casualties  compared to tenjukus 200. We got 2000 new men now.  2000 new family members. There's only one location left and it's a big one.

Nicky: what do we do with the remaining tenjuku members.

Val: things are different in Japan. Tenjuku is more of a new delinquent gang and they will follow in our footsteps.  Have em posted at there original locations and have things updated.

Angelo : yes sir .

We sat down at a table with a drink in our hand .

We do a ritual every time after a score .

Nicky : I got 6

Nicky : how we all doing .

Val: we do what we do for family. I don't regret a thing if I make my family bigger .

Boruto: I'm alrigth.

Nicky: I heard you got a date .

Boruto: howd you find that out ?

I luagh at his confused face and say " you talk in your sleep dumbass ".

Val: who is she?

Boruto: she's a old family friend.

"WHATT" said mine and nicks voice in complete sync.

Nicky: what if she tells your family Nino.  Do you even think before you do things or did you forget how.

Boruto: it's alright even if she tells me family I've got you guys rigth so I'm not worried. What can they do.

VAL: that's a big question. They could do whatever they want . Your dad owns uzumaki corps. He could literally do whatever he wants.

Boruto: but were Romanos.  We can do what we want , when we want . I love you guys more then I love that old man .nothing can take me away from this family.

Nicky: don't get all soft on me now. Go count stock before I get soft to .

I check to see the stock we have . We got  vehicles , weapons narcotics and slot of cash. All together I would say 3 million worth. Not to mention the new Income thats gonna come with thewe new properties .

I walk around and talk with the former tenjuku members. They seem to be adjusting well.  I make small talk with them and they seem enjoyable.

I can't wait to go to sleep.
Fuck it .


Everyone chant

I hear Val yell out were having a party. It's a good thing I know how to multi task.

I get my phone and call Sarada.

"hello" said her voice from the other end of the line .

" hey Sarada it's me ".

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