I then decided to check it out, because there's nothing else I can do after that mysterious voice revived me in this place. The cliff in front of me is pretty steep, so I searched for an easier to walk on. Besides, I'm not a flying type, and there's no flying type eeveelution exist so, I have to walk.

There's a cliff on my front, and forest on my back. I decided to just go through the forest, hoping that it can get me inside of the city. I don't understand why am I deciding to go to the city when I could ask for the nearby pokèmon instead...

...Aaaand, I take my words back.

There are no pokèmon in that forest. Like, none, at all. Only some kind of creatures that looked like pokèmon but not pokèmon. Like a brown-coloured Pachirisu, or Deerling but without flower accessories on their antlers.

(A/N: Those are actually just normal squirrels and deers, but I don't exactly know how to describe it. Author herself doesn't really sure if there any non-pokèmon animals in the pokèmon world, ahaha :'D)

H-how is it...There are no pokèmon here? Th-then, doesn't that mean, this world really is an entirely different world, like that that strange voice told me? If that's the case, then what kind of world is this...

I was shooked. Panicked, I immediately quicken my pace towards the city that I saw earlier. Actually, earlier, I also tried to ask my way to those weird creatures I see, even though they're not pokèmon...

...But they ran away instead.

Either they thought I was a predator or something else, I don't know. I don't even consider myself as a predator, because I prefer munching on berries...

Ah, whatever. I have to quickly find out what is this place. After running for about ten minutes in the forest, I finally managed to find myself inside the city.

And...It's not really surprising actually, the fact that this city has human in it.

"Vee..." I let out an amazed squeak. There's a lot of stores in this city. And they sell a lot of things, such as foods, tools, and...


"V-vee..." w-weapons?! Why would they sold weapons?! Just what kind of world is this?!

"Hey, let's play ninja!" in my point of hearing, I could hear some children talking to each other. I turned my focus on the source of the voice, and saw some little kids standing on top of the roof while holding...What's that...A knife?!

"E-evee!" I let out a voice accidentally in panic, seeing little children holding a weapon as dangerous as that plus that they're standing on top of a roof. And right at that moment, I saw them staring at me.

"Oh! A fox!"

"So cute!"

Ah, dang it. I bet because of my scream earlier.

And then, suddenly, before I could even blink, those two children had already back on the ground, as one of the kids immediately took me in his arms.

"Uwaah, its so cute! Look at the fur on its neck! And its tail! It's so thick and fluffy!" while the other kid only focus was to hold the part of my tail and my neck fur.

"Vee! E-vee!" I shouted in panic when they started to pull and tug my tail. Before suddenly, I heard another voices of some other children.

"Hey! What are you boys playing?" the three of us turned towards the source of the voice, and saw three little girls stood a few meters in front of the two little boys that's still holding me. And before one of the boys answers, one of the little girls saw me.

The Chakra Eevee [A Pokemon X Naruto Crossover] (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now