Chapter 22: Remenicsing

Start from the beginning

Kai'sa:Hey what's wrong!?

I was suprised by Kai'sa  voice , i looked behind me and saw the girls finally came back.

Sera:(y/n)....he reacted, he finally reacted!

Kai'sa:Wait, really?!

Akali:What up? Anything good happened?

Kai'sa:Yeah! (y/n) finally reacted today!

Akali:W-wait seriously?! Omg i need to tell the others!

Akali joyfully ran to the kitchen where Eve and Ahri were, while kai'sa walked to us and sitting on the side.

Kai'sa:So how did you do it?


I told her the whole story, from me noticing he reacted from my humming, to the part I sang.


The backyard door opened which almost broke from Eve as I see her rushing towards here.

Eve:Is it true Dear? About (y/n)?

I gave her a shy nod.


Kai'sa:She sang.

Eve:Then we could all just sing to-

Sera:it was something me and (y/n) worked...

Ahri: meaning?

Ahri and Akali finally arrived as well.

Kai'sa:Meaning it needs to be something (y/n) is familiar with, just like the Dr.Shen said.

Eve:Can you show us Dear?

I was getting flustered once again as they wanted to me to sing in front of them, i may have done it once but still performing in front of my favorite idols is still embarrassing.

Sera:b-but its.. Uh..

Akali:Come on Sera! You sang infront of a huge crowd weeks ago! Plus your singing is great!



As I stood up, and clear my throat 1 more time and sang the song 1 more time, a few minutes after singing, everyone watched me and watched (y/n)'s reaction there eyes widened and were surprised when they saw (y/n) finger tapping with the music.

Kai'sa:H-he really did react..


Ahri:Then how about we also feed (y/n) things that are familiar to him on his meals?

Kai'sa:Not a bad idea.


Eve went to him and held his hand, wiping the tear that was forming on her cheeks.

Eve:Hang in there..we're doing our best here..just hang in there..

We all stare in silence looking at Evelynn with (y/n).

wow the Ice queen Evelynn on the internet, being soft to a guy.

Suddenly the atmosphere change and we saw Eve was glaring at us realizing we saw something we shouldn't, though having a nice blackmail for once we all then decided to go back in to get ready for dinner.

Akali POV

We were just chilling in the living room with Ahri and Eve, while Kai'sa and Sera were in the kitchen making dinner.

Akali:Oh ,oh! What if I let (y/n) taste our favorite ramen noodle since we're trying food?

Eve stopped through her phone and lowered it,raising a brow while looking at me

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