•19: Facades•

Start from the beginning

When she uncovered the portrait, her face contorted into a large grin. She looked up to Mr Mike, who, by the way, had an accomplished look on his face.

"You like?" He asked.

She gazed back at it, grin still intact. "I don't like, I love. Well done four eyes!" she said, admiring the portrait.

Can she just turn it around already?

And four eyes?

And as if on queue, she turned the portrait towards my direction and what I saw left me speechless.

Lo and behold, was a picture of Star and if I remembered properly, she posted this particular picture on her Instagram page a few months back. Not that she knows about me knowing where the picture came from or anything. *cough cough*

Anyways, it was this 'sun-kiss' picture that she took and the shadows of the window blinds reflected on her face. She looked stunning in that picture and the sun rays only radiated on her which showed off her healthy skin.

But why did he make a drawing of her? Was he even allowed to do shit like that?

"Adekunle!" I heard and I was snapped back into reality.

"Um what?" I asked, confusedly.

Star just gave me this are-you-kidding-me look but I could see concern swamping in her eyes.

"I was asking you if you liked it and you spaced out for the umpteenth time today. Are you sure you're okay?" She asked softly with furrowed brows and all I could do was stare away from her eyes with clenched jaws.

No, I'm not okay.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just had a lot on my mind lately" I said, sighing. I couldn't possibly start spewing the stories of my fucked up life to her. Especially not with this dude over here.

Star stretched her hand towards mine and gave it a comforting squeeze. That did the trick and my smirk was back on.

"So, why the drawing?" I asked, jutting my head towards the portrait.

"Let's just say he owes me" Star said, snorting.

I nodded my head giving it a 'seems cool' look and Star only raised her chin up in pride.

Mr Mike winked at Star with a smirk on his face and walked away to his office.

Dude is passing some serious boundaries o.

I know right?!

I looked at Star who kept on admiring her new piece of art and I couldn't help but worry for her. Something about all these didn't feel right. I just had that sick, twisted, gut feeling that something wasn't right.

I mean, out of all these students in the entire Ss2, only about four students offered his subject. Star, being one of them. Sure he takes all junior classes in creative art because they really don't have a choice but that's the entire junior class. He can't do anything with those little kids. Although from what I know, only two male student in Ss1 took up his subject which, to me, is extremely weird but not all that bad. I also know that some students in art class and a few in science in Ss3 are offering his subject but atleast it was a mixture of both sexes. So the fact that our class had to have only girls offering it, and not a large number mind you, did not just feel right to me.

"Excuse me?!" Star exclaimed, snapping her fingers in front of me, cutting me out of my thinking for the 'God knows how many' times today.

I blinked my eyes and focused on her and I could see a large frown on her face.

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