Hunt smiled. "That's a good idea. I'm going to talk to my aunt and my best friend and see if they can both be there. Maybe if they see my aunt supporting me it will help to know that family can accept me as I am."

"Have you made any decisions about how you want to move forward once you've told them?"

He shook his head. "I can't think that far ahead yet."

"All right, if you want to talk about any sort of changes, give me a call I can help you find resources. It's a big decision."

"It is but I'm glad I'm finally making a decision. I can't pretend anymore." He waved a hand in the air. "I'm not this guy. I don't want to play football, I'd rather be on the sidelines in a cheer uniform."

Zay smiled. "Then do it."

"That was an example, I don't really want pom poms and a short skirt."

"You'd rather have the skirt than the uniform though."

Huntington chuckled. "Yes, I would."

"There's no shame in that. If making that change is what is going to make you happy then do it."

"Thanks. This has been a lot of help and if I decide to move forward at some point with gender reassignment then I'll need help. I appreciate all of this." He stood.

"I'm happy to help. Let me know how it goes with your parents."

"I will. Thank you again."

Zay handed him his card and walked him to the office door. "Good luck." He watched Hunt walk down the hallway and vanish around the corner. He hoped everything went well with Hunt's parents. It was good that this aunt was supporting him, it meant he'd still have a family connection if his parents rejected his decision. He turned and went back to his desk when his phone vibrated across the surface.

"Hey, Lyssie, I have one more appointment then you can come to pick me up."

"Um, Zay I'm sending you a picture."

"A picture?"

"Yeah, I stopped at home because I was going to grab some stuff before I came back to get you and ... it was hanging on the front door. I don't know what to do."

With a shaking hand, he switched the phone to the speaker and navigated to his text messages, and opened the message she'd sent. He stared down at the picture.

"Zay, what do I do?"

"Call the police and Mr. Salazar. We have no idea if there's anything inside it. For all we know, it could be a bomb."

"Okay. I'll call now."

"I'll find a ride and get there as quickly as I can."

"No, stay there. That could be his plan, Zay, he wants you to rush over here. It could be a trap. Stay there and keep your last appointment. I'll call Mr. Salazar and the police then I'll call Josh and West. One of them will pick you up. Do not leave without one of them. Okay, promise me."

"All right, fine. Please let me know what happens."

"I will, bye."

They hung up and he continued to stare at the picture. He sank into his chair. It was so innocent and benign. They knew Seth though, it was a message. It told them that he could get to them any time, anywhere, and it would be easy to do.

Mrs. Roman stuck her head into his office. "Zay, your last appointment was canceled. She rescheduled for next week. Seems her best friend volunteered her for the dance committee without telling her."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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