Chapter 31

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For a moment Seth could think of nothing to say, then his anger took over. "What the hell do you mean you've been suspended? How the fuck did you idiots manage that?"

"His fucking lawyer knows the police commissioner and he called him to complain. Then the commissioner called the chief personally and requested the suspension and a full investigation. If the asshole had waited to show up for a few more minutes I would have had that kid's signature on the confession!" Ferrel snarled.

Blaine shook his head. "No, you wouldn't. Zayden Walker wasn't about to sign a damn thing."

Ferrel turned and gave him a shove. "Bullshit, he was scared, he was going to sign!"

"No, Ferrel, he wasn't. Yeah, the kid was scared but he's also not an idiot, he knew if he signed the confession that it was all over for him. You handled things badly, I told you we needed to go by the book but you decided you knew better!" Blaine shouted. "You screwed us, not the kid and not his lawyer, you did it asshole!"

Seth stepped between them and shot Ferrel a glare before he looked at Blaine. "What happened?"

"I'll tell you what—"

Seth spun and punched Ferrel. "I didn't ask you!" He turned back to Blaine. "Tell me."

Blaine eyed Ferrel a second before he focused on Seth. "Ferrel dragged the kid in without mirandizing him, we went straight to interrogation without turning in paperwork or telling the desk officer that he was there. He deliberately hid the fact that Zayden was in interrogation because he thought he could scare the kid into signing a confession before his lawyer found us. It was a dumbass move and it gave the chief reason to follow through and suspend us. If we'd followed procedure then things wouldn't have ended the way they did."

Seth nodded and turned to Ferrel. "You're a hothead and you fucked yourself and your partner. If you had followed police procedure then we wouldn't be in this mess. Now everything attached to this case will be suspect, you fucking moron! The judge could toss the case out! If that happens then they might begin looking in other directions for other suspects!" He leaned closer to Ferrel. "And my name has already been brought up by Zayden and his friends!" Without turning away from Ferrel he spoke. "You're dismissed, Blaine. I suggest you be a good boy and behave and if they do begin an investigation you throw Ferrel here as far under the bus as possible."

"He's my partner I can't do that!" Blaine protested.

"Unless you want your reputation dragged through the mud with his then that is what you're going to do. You had no idea Ferrel was dirty and you have no idea where he's gone."

"I don't understand."

Seth moved in a flash. Ferrel didn't have an opportunity to defend himself because he never saw the move coming. The knife penetrated his heart and he died almost instantly. "Go Blaine."

Blaine spun away and ran from the warehouse.

Seth heard the squeal of tires as Blaine left the scene. He hummed as he cleaned his knife on Ferrel's tie. Once the knife was clean and sheathed, he moved across the empty warehouse building and returned with a small rolling cart.

"Fat bastard," he muttered as he heaved Ferrel's body up onto the cart. "Should have made Blaine help me." With a final shove, he settled Ferrel's body onto the cart and stood a moment sucking in a couple of deep breaths. "Man never met a piece of food he didn't devour." He patted Ferrel on the head. "Your ex-wife is far better off without you, asshole. I'll be certain to make an anonymous donation to your kid's college fund as a thank you for your, well not superior, but standard service in my organization." He gave the cart a shove and rolled it across the warehouse. The sound of the squeaky wheels echoed in the mostly empty space.

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