Chapter 10

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Josh slumped back onto the couch. "Well, that's it then there won't be a party."

"Come on, we'll figure something out!" Alyssa told him.

"What are you two whining about?" Zay asked as he came into the living room.

"Zack went camping with his buddies, he left sometime this morning before we got up and left Josh a note." Alyssa waved the note in the air.

"And we care why?" Zay looked between them.

"We care because without my brother we have no alcohol for the party. How many people you think will show up when they discover it's a very dry party and not in a James Bond, shaken not stirred martini dry way?"

Zay shrugged. "So we find someone else to buy it. No biggie."

"Like who?"

"I don't know, let me call Seth and see if he can help."

"I'd rather you didn't, he'd probably knock over a liquor store," Josh replied with a scowl.

"Stop it. Do you want help or not?"

"Fine, ask him but if he does anything illegal it's on you!"

With a roll of his eyes, Zay left the room to go get his phone and call Seth. He found his phone in his room, it rang twice before Seth picked up.

"Hey, how's my old lady?"

"Are you ever going to stop calling me that?" Zay asked with a chuckle.

"Hmmm, maybe if you learn to ride on your own, but I don't see that happening anytime soon, you have horrible balance, my friend."

"Okay, fine I'll give you that one. I didn't call to discuss my riding lessons."

"Then why did you call? Phone sex?"



"Try and behave," Zay told him. "I wanted to ask a favor."

"Ask away," Seth told him.

"I know you have that fake ID, would it be possible for you to pick up some alcohol for Josh's party, his brother left us high and dry without warning. He'll pay for it all."

"Zay, I got rid of that ID. I told you I'm trying to break away from Darrel and his guys, that ID was part of it."

"Right, I should have thought of that. Sorry."

"However, I'm not totally useless, let me talk to some people I know and see if I can swing something.

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

"Anything for my old lady," Seth replied with a chuckle.

"Sure, I'll talk to you later."

"Love ya," Seth said before disconnecting.

It gave him a warm feeling to hear Seth say he loved him. He knew it was too soon for those kinds of feelings, but it still felt good to hear it. He pocketed his phone and went back downstairs to where Lyssie and Josh were sprawled in the living room.

"Seth said he'd talk to some people he knows and see what he can do. He no longer has his fake ID so he can't go get the alcohol himself."

Alyssa arched a brow. "Why would he ditch the fake ID?"

Zay shrugged. "Part of his attempt to get away from Darrel."

"Yeah, I guess I can see that."

"You guess?" he asked as he sauntered further into the room and took a seat.

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