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Lincoln and some soldiers were taking cover as they were taking gunfire before they returned it to advance a bit.

Lincoln: heavy unit move forward.

Soldiers with heavy machine guns covered them as they reloaded and advance to a door with one of the soldiers kicking it down.

Where they were met with more Chaos Insurgency who opened fire on them do to the machine guns Lincoln group pushed them back.

After going through an opening they came across a metal door before Lincoln nods to a soldier who signalled another soldier who came in with a rocket launcher blowing up the door.

Lincoln talked into a radio on his uniform.

Lincoln: send in back up.

More soldiers came through the door behind them.

Lincoln: move in!

They go through the door before finding three opening's.

Lincoln: group A with me group B take the left group C the right, if anyone loses they're head gear terminate them by all means!

They all advance with Lincoln group arriving at a large metal door.

Some soldiers attached explosives to the door before blowing up the door.

Lincoln: go go!


After awhile all the groups all arrived at a containment cell.

Soldier: did we all go in circles or something.

Lincoln: open the cell.

They blow up the door before they were met with someone in a lab coat behind a straight machine.

They couldn't make out his face when they looked they just saw a bright light for the face.

???: Hello gentlemen, let me introduce myself I'm the Engineer.

Lincoln: get on the ground.

Engineer: now now take it easy I have an offer that will be most delightful you just have to open your mind and let the Engine in.

Lincoln: I said get on the ground!

He held his rifle up at him.

Lincoln: I'm not going to repeat myself-

A gun shot was heard with Lincoln on the ground and the Engineer holding a gun.

The group opened fire killing the Engineer.

Lincoln picked up the bullet from his chest before getting up and walking up to the machine before planting something on it making the machine stop.

An Insurgent was struggling with a foundation soldier trying to strangle him with his rifle before stopping wondering where he was.

Other Chaos Insurgencies who were firing at foundation soldiers before dropping their guns with confusion.


Chaos Insurgents were getting into the back of a van with soldiers monitoring them.

With some other soldiers loading the machine on a truck, with some other loading different SCP's into several vans.

A soldier walked up to Lincoln.

Soldier: are you okay sir?

Lincoln: I'm good, all the suits are thrity times stronger than steel.

Soldier: I guess you took an extra practice.

Lincoln: I just don't feel like losing any staff, round up the anomalies let's head back to the site

After four days they returned back to the site with probably 60 to 90 anomalies and the Chaos Insurgents.

End of chapter, hope you enjoyed

LOUD IN THE FOUNDATION (ft THE_13_CLUB)Where stories live. Discover now