Chapter 24

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Third Persons P.O.V

Error and Dream exit the Cafe, happily chatting with each other as a dark figure continues to watch them from affair with a flash of anger in their cyan eye.

The duo continues to walk and chat with one another when the Golden skeleton spotted an Nice Cream cart "Ooh! Error! Can we get some nice cream please?!" Dream asks his eyes brighten with childish excitement. The glitching skeleton lightly blush a dark blue, as he couldn't help but think how adorable he was being right now, and agreed.

They both went towards the cart and got an individual nice cream Popsicles. Error got the pinapple and lime mix, while Dream got the blueberry and cherry. They continue they're walk together, enjoying their Popsicles and each others company when they noticed an empty park nearby.

"C'mon Error, let's go try out the swings." Dream cheers happily and started making his way towards the park "@r3n'+ ¥0u @ b1+ +00 0ld +0 b3 r1d1n9 0n +h3 $₩1n9$?" Error questions walking to him. Dream blushes in embarrassment as he scratches his cheek "Well I thought that it would be fun since I never really get the chance to ride one before." Dream admitted sheepishly.

Error let's out a sigh, before placing the popsicle in his mouth and went behind Dream "Error? What are you-Eeep!!" Dream squeaks in suprise as Error started to push him, swinging him to the air before he gracefully falls back, only to push him up again. Dream started giggling uncontrollably as Error couldn't help but smile warmly as he lovingly watches Dream brighten like the sun as he continues to fly towards the sky, even if it was only for a second before gravity takes hold of him and bring him back towards Error.

'D0 1....d0 1 l0v3 Dr3@m?' Error contemplates as his soul races with warmth as he continues to watch Dream beem with joy. Every giggle & every smile he made, made his soul flutter and his smile more genuine. He couldn't help but stare longingly into his golden eyes, getting lost in them and struggling to escape. As time goes bye and he spends more time with Dream, he couldn't help but yearn for his touch when he's gone, and crave to hear his voice when he's alone.

The dark figure frowns as the positivity from the both of them was almost unbearable, when he suddenly sensed something blossom from one of them, something that caused him to almost hissed out loud as it weakened him tremendously, something that he despised almost as much as his so called 'brother'.


Not L.O.V.E, the Level Of ViolencE, L.O.V.E, but the real, genuine, pure kind of love that makes him sick to his non-existent stomach. And to make matters worse, the God of Destruction, the one feared by all, the skeleton that matches Ink in both strength and power, and brings dispare throughout the whole Multiverse, fell in love with that good for nothing, pathetic excuse, absolute bullshit of a Gaurdian of Positivity, Dream.

It makes his blood boil with anger just thinking about it.

"Just you wait Error, sooner or later you'll realize your mistake of falling for the enemy, and when you do," he chuckles as a sadistic smile made its way to his face.

"I'll be here to help you plane out the perfect revenge." He said and teleports back to his castle, leaving two skeletons oblivious of his visit.



"Aren't you a bit too old to be riding on the swings?"

'Do I love Dream?'

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