Chapter 20

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Dream's P.O.V

I was taking a walk at FluffyTale, thinking about the conversation I had with Ink and Blue as I can't help but frown at their suggestion 'I can't believe that they actually suggested that! I would never use Error.' I thought as my frown deepens. 'But.... what if their right? What if this really could be the end of the destruction of all AU's?' I pondered as I anxiously fiddle with my cape "What should I do?" I said with a groan.

As I continue my walk around the town, I spotted a small building that said Cchino's Cate Cafe 'Is this the Cafe that Error was talking about?' I thought slightly curious as I enter the Cafe. As I open the door, I heard a bell ringing as a voice came out of the kitchen behind the counter "Just a minute!" It said as I sat at a table near the window.

The Cafe was decently big as it had homey aura to it, the wallpaper was a warm tan color, as the chairs and tables were a dark brown wood, the windows were clear and clean, as there were dark brown fans on the ceiling just in case it was a hot day. Finally, there were cats, lots of cats, some, if I dare say look a lot similar to some AU sanses I know.

"Hello, welcome to my Cat Cafe, what would you like to drink?" The Sans of this AU ask, he look about 4'9, and has a dark peach sweater, a white nametag that said 'Hi my name is Cchino, black shorts, black fingerless gloves, a brown apron tighed around his waist with a black pawprint at the edge, and pink cat slippers.

"Umm.... I would like some lemonade please with no ice." I said while looking at the menu "Alright, I'll be back with your drink shortly." Cchino said as he walked away, I gave out a small sigh as I gaze outside the window and watch people bustling about their business. 'What should I do?' I thought with a frown 'I don't want to betray Errors trust, but I also don't want anymore AU's to be destroyed and many innocent lives lost.' I thought as I gave out another sigh.

All of a sudden one of the cats that were roming around, jumped on top of the table and infront of me. I stared at the cat in slight suprise and gave it a small warm smile "Hello there, what's your name?" I ask the cat as it only stared at me in return. They have short black fur that looks soft to the touch, red scleras with yellow irises and blue sharp pupils, and dark blue streaks below his eyes.

"You look a lot like someone that I know." I said as I offer my hand to them, they sniffed my hand before giving out a small pure and started rubbing their head against my hand. "That's a first," a familier voice said, I look up to see Cchino with my cup of lemonade and looking at me in belwardament "What do you mean?" I ask him "Well he doesn't exactly like being around other people he barely knows or isn't comfortable with." Cchino said as he places my cup infront of me.

"Really? I guess he really likes me then." I said while scratching behind his ear while he happily purrs in response. All of a sudden, a very fluffy cat with caramel color fur, golden brown spots, and vibrant yellow eyes, jumped on the table, right next to the black cat and started cuddling with him while pushing my hand away. Cchino gave out a small giggle of amusement "Looks like someone's jealous." He commented as the caramel cat only purrs as he snuggles against the black cat who seems slightly annoyed but gave in and purrs back.

"Alright, that's enough you two." Cchino said as he got them off the table "Sorry about that," Cchino said apologetically "It's alright, I quite enjoyed their company." I said with a smile "I'm glad, now what would you like to order?"

I then continue to spend the rest of my time at Cchino's Cafe before it was time for me to leave "Bye Dream! It was nice meeting you." He said as I begane to exit the Cafe "Bye Cchino," I said with a wave of goodbye before exiting the building. I then begane to make my way to the nearest alleyway to create a portal to the Star Base 'To be honest I'm kind-of glad I decided to check out the Cafe.' I thought to myself  as I walked closer towards dark hallway between the buildings.

'Because now with my head clear, I can finally confirm my decision to both Ink and Blue.' I thought as I created a gold color portal that lead me to the  base and without hesitation, I walked through.

Insomnia- Accidental Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें