Chapter 17

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Inks P.O.V

I let out a soft groan as I slowly woke up and sat up on my bed 'Huh?' I thought as I scan my surroundings 'When did I get into my room?' I thought confusingly 'Blue probably carried me here when I fell asleep.' I thought shrugging it off as I got off my bed.

I made sure to drink all of my paint vials before goings downstairs to greet Blue "Hey Blue, sorry about yesterday I-" I then immediately paused as my eyelights disappeared as I can't help but stare at the skeleton before me. "H-Hey Ink, its been a while, huh." Dream awkwardly says to me with a nervous look on his face.

Without skipping a beat, I immediately ran towards him and gave him a bone-crushing hug. Dream let out a yelp in surprise as he fell to the floor from the impact "GODDAMMIT DREAM!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED ME AND BLUE WERE WHEN YOU WERE KIDNAPPED BYE ERROR OF ALL SKELETONS!!" I yelled at him as I couldn't help but shed a few tears of relief.

Dream gently placed his hand on my skull as he used his other arm to embrace me "I'm sorry Ink, it wasn't my intention to worry you and Blue so much." Dream said sounding slightly upset. I gave out a sigh as I buried myself deeper into the hug "It's alright Dream, your here now and that's all that matters." I said softly.

We sat there in the living room for a bit, embracing each other when a sudden question came into mind "Say Dream," I started, breaking our hug "Yes?" Dream asks, slightly tilting his head "How did you escape Error?" I ask him "O-oh um......." he hesitates, looking away from me and cheeks slightly golden.

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion as I now take a good look at him and noticed that he looked completely fine besides his slightly dirty clothes and a small, but noticeable cut on his cheek. "Dream," I said with the same tone a mother would use when she knows there kid was lying. Dream slightly flinch from my tone of voice as he looked everywhere but my eyes "W-well, see," he said as his fingers started to twitch in nervousness.

"Well? Are you going to tell me or not?" I ask him with a raised bonebrow, Dream remains silent as he stared at the floor, contemplating if he should tell me what happened in the Anti-Void or not. I gave out a sigh as it seems he wouldn't be telling me anytime soon "If you don't want to tell me right now, Dream, that's fine." I started as Dream looked at me in amazement "R-really?!" He asks slightly surprise.

"Yes, however! You have to promise me that you'll eventually tell me exactly what happened at your time in the Anti-Void. Okay?" I compromise with a serious look on my face. Dream looked slightly hesitant as he knows once he made this promise, he would have to keep it "I.....I promise Ink." Dream said, looking at me in the eyes "You better, because I think both me and Blue deserve an explanation." I said as I stood up.

"Of course, you know I always keep my promises." Dream said as he got up as well "Good, anyways, I have to go for a bit. After all, AU's don't create themselves y'know." I said as I pulled out my paint brush to splash paint on the floor "Alright, I'll see you later Ink." Dream said with a small smile "See ya Dream!" I said as I jump through the Ink portal to enter the Doodle Sphere when one last thought crossed my mind.

'I wondered what caused Dream to blush suddenly when I asked him about his time at the Anti-Void?'

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