Where are you, honey?

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[A/N: Welcome (back?) to this story! :-) If you haven't read the first part and are interested in doing so, here you go: https://www.wattpad.com/story/292926054-the-life-we-left-behind]


"Okay, okay, I heard you the first time!", Zelena hurried to open the door when whoever was standing on the other side just wouldn't stop ringing the bell, then gasped in shock, "Regina?? Oh my God, what happened?!"

No doubt, she had seen her sister upset before – and every now and then she herself had been the reason for it – but never like this. She was crying, her eyes were red and swollen, she was soaking wet since it was sleeting outside, and she was shivering, hugging herself because she was standing out here wearing nothing but her usual sheath dress and tights at the end of January.

"Killian is gone", she whispered as if all life had left her body long ago.

"What?? Come in first, please, I think your lips are already blue...", she pulled her inside and into her arms to hug her tight, no matter how wet and cold she was.

"What happened?", she whispered.

She snuggled up to her big sister and couldn't hold back her tears any longer, sobbing on her shoulder. "Killian... he's gone."

"What do you mean, he's gone?"

Regina wiped away her tears and shrugged. "I have no idea! He got back into town today, his ship is tied up by the docks, I checked... He also called me. He said he would be home right away and he was so looking forward to seeing me. That was more than two hours ago! There's no way he would need that long to get home?"

Her sister gently stroked her back to calm her down. "Maybe he took a detour somehow? I'm sure there's a very simple explanation."

"I don't know... I looked everywhere! I checked by the docks, I walked the way from there to our house back and forth twice, I even checked at the Rabbit Hole, but no one has seen him. And when I try to call him, his phone seems to be off. Is... is he here? I thought maybe he first went to see Alice..."

Zelena shook her head. "I'm afraid not. But come on in and sit down, sis, you need to warm up", she yelled into the kitchen, "Robin! Set up the water kettle, please!"

She herself led her sister to the bathroom and handed her a towel. "Here, dry yourself. I'll be right back!"

She found a simple sweater and a pair of jeans among Robin's clothes. Not her sister's style, but beggars couldn't be choosers. Right now, it didn't matter a single bit what she looked like.

While Regina was drying herself up and changing, Zelena walked back into the dining room, where she was greeted by curious looks from her daughter and future daughter in law.

"That was Regina. She says she can't find your father. He was supposed to be home long ago, but never got there."

"What?", said Alice, "My papa is gone?!"

"It seems like it, she's... really upset."

Eventually, Regina came back downstairs, and Robin compassionately stroked her aunt's arm. "Hey... are you alright?"

"No...", she replied, "I'm not alright."

Even though she was dry now, she was still shaking and as pale as curdled milk.

Alice pulled out her phone to try and call her father, but with the same result. "His phone's off", she said, herself looking terrified by now.

"That doesn't have to mean anything, huh?", Zelena tried to calm them down, "Maybe it just ran out of battery?"

The Life We Will Fight ForWhere stories live. Discover now